

Idris 2

Documentation Status Build Status

Idris 2 is a purely functional programming language with first class types.

For full installation instructions, see INSTALL.md. Briefly, if you have Chez Scheme installed, with the executable name chez, type:

You may need to change chez to be the local name of your Chez Scheme. This is often one of scheme, chezscheme or chezscheme9.5 (depending on the version). On a modern desktop machine, this process (including tests) should take less than 5 minutes.

Idris 2 is mostly backward compatible with Idris 1, with some minor exceptions. The most notable user visible differences, which might cause Idris 1 programs to fail to type check, are:

Watch this space for more details and the rationale for the changes, as I get around to writing it...

Summary of new features:

A significant change in the implementation is that there is an intermediate language TTImp, which is essentially a desugared Idris, and is cleanly separated from the high level language which means it is potentially usable as a core language for other high level syntaxes.


The JavaScript codegen uses the new BigInt, hence Node.js 10.4 or higher is required.

Editor Plugins

The wiki lists the current plugins available for common text editors and their features.

Things still missing

Contributions wanted

If you want to learn about Idris more, contributing to the compiler could be one way to do so. Just select one good first issue and ask about it on the Discord channel.


Edwin Brady Tells Us What's New in Idris 2 (Berlin Functional Programming Group)

Scheme Workshop Keynote (ACM SIGPLAN)

Idris 2 - Type-driven Development of Idris (Curry On - London 2019)

Idris 2: Type-driven Development of Idris (Code Mesh LDN 18)