A library for calculating the next time a flashcard should be shown.
Based on the Supermemo 2 algorithm described here and the Ruby implementation of it used in dpwright/srs.
Add Supermemo to your mix.exs:
def deps do
[ {:supermemo, "~> 1.0.0"} ]
# Initial rep
rep = Supermemo.rep(1)
# %Supermemo.Rep{due: %Timex.DateTime{calendar: :gregorian, day: 29, hour: 5,
# minute: 45, month: 11, ms: 0, second: 18,
# timezone: %Timex.TimezoneInfo{dst_abbreviation: "UTC", dst_end_day: :undef,
# dst_end_time: {0, 0}, dst_name: "UTC", dst_start_day: :undef,
# dst_start_time: {0, 0}, full_name: "UTC", gmt_offset_dst: 0,
# gmt_offset_std: 0, standard_abbreviation: "UTC", standard_name: "UTC"},
# year: 2014}, e_factor: 2.6, interval: 1, iteration: 1, repeat: false}
# Do a rep with the card and get a new score.
rep = Supermemo.rep(1, rep)
# %Supermemo.Rep{due: %Timex.DateTime{calendar: :gregorian, day: 4, hour: 5,
# minute: 45, month: 12, ms: 0, second: 23,
# timezone: %Timex.TimezoneInfo{dst_abbreviation: "UTC", dst_end_day: :undef,
# dst_end_time: {0, 0}, dst_name: "UTC", dst_start_day: :undef,
# dst_start_time: {0, 0}, full_name: "UTC", gmt_offset_dst: 0,
# gmt_offset_std: 0, standard_abbreviation: "UTC", standard_name: "UTC"},
# year: 2014}, e_factor: 2.7, interval: 6, iteration: 2, repeat: false}
# Another rep
third_rep = Supermemo.rep(0.8, rep)
# ...