

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/edoardottt/images/blob/main/longtongue/logo.png"><br> <b>Customized Password/Passphrase List inputting Target Info</b><br> <br> <img src="https://github.com/edoardottt/images/blob/main/black-hat-python-code/python-version.svg" alt="py-version" /> <br> <sub> Coded with 💙 by edoardottt </sub> <br> <!--Tweet button--> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fedoardottt%2Flongtongue%20&text=longtongue%20-%20Customized%20Password/Passphrase%20List%20inputting%20Target%20Info%20%21&hashtags=pentesting%2Clinux%2Cpython%2Cnetwork%2Cpassword%2Cbugbounty%2Cinfosec" target="_blank">Share on Twitter! </a> </p>

Installation ⬇️

Usage 💻

usage: longtongue.py [-h] [-p | -c | -v] [-l | -L] [-y] [-n] [-m MINLENGTH]

Customized Password/Passphrase List inputting Target Info

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --person          Set the target to be a person
  -c, --company         Set the target to be a company
  -v, --version         Show the version of this program
  -l, --leet            Add also complete 1337(leet) passwords
  -L, --leetall         Add also ALL possible le37(leet) passwords
  -y, --years           Add also years at password. See years range inside longtongue.py
  -n, --numbers         Add also numbers at password. See numbers range inside longtongue.py
  -m MINLENGTH, --minlength MINLENGTH
                        Set the minimum length for passwords (default 0).

Examples 📖

Changelog 📌

Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.

Contributing 🤝

If you want to contribute to this project, open an issue or a pull request.

License 📝

This repository is under GNU General Public License v3.0.
edoardoottavianelli.it to contact me.