

<h1 align="center"> favirecon <br> </h1> <h4 align="center">Use favicon.ico to improve your target recon phase</h4> <h6 align="center"> Coded with 💙 by edoardottt </h6> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/edoardottt/favirecon/actions"> <img src="https://github.com/edoardottt/favirecon/actions/workflows/go.yml/badge.svg" alt="go action"> </a> <a href="https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/edoardottt/favirecon"> <img src="https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/edoardottt/favirecon" alt="go report card"> </a> <br> <!--Tweet button--> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=favirecon%20-%20Use%20favicon.ico%20to%20improve%20your%20target%20recon%20phase.%20Quickly%20detect%20technologies,%20WAF,%20exposed%20panels,%20known%20services.%20https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fedoardottt%2Ffavirecon%20%23golang%20%23github%20%23linux%20%23infosec%20%23bugbounty" target="_blank">Share on Twitter! </a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="#install-">Install</a> • <a href="#get-started-">Get Started</a> • <a href="#examples-bulb">Examples</a> • <a href="#changelog-">Changelog</a> • <a href="#contributing-">Contributing</a> • <a href="#license-">License</a> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/edoardottt/images/blob/main/favirecon/favirecon.gif"> </p>

Note This tool heavily relies on its favicon hash database. If you think you have a new favicon hash that's worth adding or you think there is a wrong hash-service association please open an issue.

Install 📡


brew install favirecon


sudo snap install favirecon


go install github.com/edoardottt/favirecon/cmd/favirecon@latest

Get Started 🎉

  favirecon [flags]

   -u, -url string   Input domain
   -l, -list string  File containing input domains
   -cidr             Interpret input as CIDR

   -hash string[]        Filter results having these favicon hashes (comma separated)
   -c, -concurrency int  Concurrency level (default 50)
   -t, -timeout int      Connection timeout in seconds (default 10)
   -rl, -rate-limit int  Set a rate limit (per second)
   -px, -proxy string    Set a proxy server (URL)

   -o, -output string  File to write output results
   -v, -verbose        Verbose output
   -s, -silent         Silent output. Print only results
   -j, -json           JSON output

Examples 💡

Identify a single domain

favirecon -u https://www.github.com
echo https://www.github.com | favirecon

Grab all possible results from a list of domains (protocols needed!)

favirecon -l targets.txt
cat targets.txt | favirecon

Grab all possible results belonging to a specific target(s) (protocols needed!)

cat targets.txt | favirecon -hash 708578229

Grab all possible results from single CIDR

favirecon -u -cidr

Use a Proxy

favirecon -u https://www.github.com -px

JSON Output

favirecon -u https://www.github.com -j

Changelog 📌

Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.

Contributing 🛠

Just open an issue / pull request.

Before opening a pull request, download golangci-lint and run

golangci-lint run

If there aren't errors, go ahead :)

In the news 📰

License 📝

This repository is under MIT License.
edoardoottavianelli.it to contact me.