

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/edoardottt/images/blob/main/cariddi/logo.png"><br> <b>Take a list of domains, crawl urls and scan for endpoints, secrets, api keys, file extensions, tokens and more</b><br> <br> <!-- go-report-card --> <a href="https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/edoardottt/cariddi"> <img src="https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/edoardottt/cariddi" alt="go-report-card" /> </a> <!-- workflows --> <a href="https://github.com/edoardottt/cariddi/actions"> <img src="https://github.com/edoardottt/cariddi/workflows/Go/badge.svg?branch=main" alt="workflows" /> </a> <br> <sub> Coded with 💙 by edoardottt </sub> <br> <!--Tweet button--> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=https://github.com/edoardottt/cariddi&text=Take%20a%20list%20of%20domains,%20crawl%20urls%20and%20scan%20for%20endpoints,%20secrets,%20api%20keys,%20file%20extensions,%20tokens%20and%20more...%20%23network%20%23security%20%23infosec%20%23oss%20%23github%20%23bugbounty%20%23linux" target="_blank">Share on Twitter! </a> </p> <p align="center"> <a href="#installation-">Install</a> • <a href="#get-started-">Get Started</a> • <a href="#examples-">Examples</a> • <a href="#changelog-">Changelog</a> • <a href="#contributing-">Contributing</a> • <a href="#license-">License</a> </p> <!--[![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/415989.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/415989)--> <p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/edoardottt/images/blob/main/cariddi/cariddi.gif"> </p>

Installation 📡


brew install cariddi


sudo snap install cariddi


go install -v github.com/edoardottt/cariddi/cmd/cariddi@latest


pacman -Syu cariddi

Building from source

You need Go.

Get Started 🎉

cariddi -h prints the help.

Usage of cariddi:
  -c int
     Concurrency level. (default 20)
     Use the .cariddi_cache folder as cache.
  -d int
     Delay between a page crawled and another.
     Print debug information while crawling.
  -e Hunt for juicy endpoints.
  -ef string
     Use an external file (txt, one per line) to use custom parameters for endpoints hunting.
     Hunt for errors in websites.
     Print the examples.
  -ext int
     Hunt for juicy file extensions. Integer from 1(juicy) to 7(not juicy).
  -h Print the help.
  -headers string
     Use custom headers for each request E.g. -headers "Cookie: auth=yes;;Client: type=2".
  -headersfile string
     Read from an external file custom headers (same format of headers flag).
     Print the output as JSON in stdout.
  -i string
     Ignore the URL containing at least one of the elements of this array.
     Hunt for useful informations in websites.
     Crawl searching for resources matching 2nd level domain.
  -it string
     Ignore the URL containing at least one of the lines of this file.
  -oh string
     Write the output into an HTML file.
  -ot string
     Write the output into a TXT file.
     Print only the results.
  -proxy string
     Set a Proxy to be used (http and socks5 supported).
     Use a random browser user agent on every request.
  -s Hunt for secrets.
  -sf string
     Use an external file (txt, one per line) to use custom regexes for secrets hunting.
     Store HTTP responses.
  -t int
     Set timeout for the requests. (default 10)
  -ua string
     Use a custom User Agent.
     Print the version.

Examples 💡

<details> <summary>Integrate cariddi with Burpsuite</summary>

Normally you use Burpsuite within your browser, so you just have to trust the burpsuite's certificate in the browser and you're done.
In order to use cariddi with the BurpSuite proxy you should do some steps further.

If you try to use cariddi with the option -proxy you will find this error in the burpsuite error log section:

Received fatal alert: bad_certificate (or something similar related to the certificate).

To make cariddi working fine with Burpsuite you have also to trust the certificate within your entire pc, not just only the browser. These are the steps you have to follow:

Go to Proxy tab in Bupsuite, then Options. Click on the CA Certificate button and export Certificate in DER format

openssl x509 -in burp.der -inform DER -out burp.pem -outform PEM
sudo chown root:root burp.pem
sudo chmod 644 burp.pem
sudo cp burp.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo c_rehash
cd /etc/ssl/certs/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/burp.pem
sudo c_rehash .

Source: Trust Burp Proxy certificate in Debian/Ubuntu

After these steps, in order to use cariddi with Burpsuite you have to:

  1. Open Burpsuite, making sure that the proxy is listening.
  2. Use cariddi with the flag -proxy
  3. You will see that requests and responses will be logged in Burpsuite.

Changelog 📌

Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.

Contributing 🛠

Just open an issue/pull request.

Before opening a pull request, download golangci-lint and run

golangci-lint run

If there aren't errors, go ahead :)

Help me building this!

Special thanks to: go-colly, ocervell, zricethezav, projectdiscovery, tomnomnom, RegexPassive and all the contributors.

License 📝

This repository is under GNU General Public License v3.0.
edoardoottavianelli.it to contact me.