

Link Tool

Link Block for the Editor.js.


Allows adding link previews to your articles.

Note: this Tool requires server-side implementation for link data fetching. See backend response format for more details.


Get the package

yarn add @editorjs/link

Include module at your application

import LinkTool from '@editorjs/link';

Optionally, you can load this tool from CDN JsDelivr CDN


Add a new Tool to the tools property of the Editor.js initial config.

const editor = EditorJS({

  tools: {
    linkTool: {
      class: LinkTool,
      config: {
        endpoint: 'http://localhost:8008/fetchUrl', // Your backend endpoint for url data fetching,


Config Params

Link Tool supports these configuration parameters:

endpointstringRequired: the endpoint for link data fetching.
headersobjectOptional: the headers used in the GET request.

Output data

This Tool returns data with following format

linkstringPasted link's url
metaobjectFetched link's data. Any data got from the backend. Currently, the plugin's design supports the 'title', 'image', and 'description' fields.
    "type" : "linkTool",
    "data" : {
        "link" : "https://codex.so",
        "meta" : {
            "title" : "CodeX Team",
            "site_name" : "CodeX",
            "description" : "Club of web-development, design and marketing. We build team learning how to build full-valued projects on the world market.",
            "image" : {
                "url" : "https://codex.so/public/app/img/meta_img.png"

Backend response format <a name="server-format"></a>

You can implement a backend for link data fetching your own way. It is a specific and trivial task depending on your environment and stack.

Backend response should cover following format:

    "success" : 1,
    "link": "https://codex.so", // Optionally return a link to set the hyperlink URL
    "meta": {
        // ... any fields you want

success — uploading status. 1 for successful, 0 for failed

link - Optional response parameter to override the URL provided

meta — link fetched data.

Currently, the plugin's design supports the 'title', 'image', and 'description' fields. They should have the following format in the response:

    "success" : 1,
    "meta": {
        "title" : "CodeX Team",
        "description" : "Club of web-development, design and marketing. We build team learning how to build full-valued projects on the world market.",
        "image" : {
            "url" : "https://codex.so/public/app/img/meta_img.png"

Also, it can contain any additional fields you want to store.

About CodeX

<img align="right" width="120" height="120" src="https://codex.so/public/app/img/codex-logo.svg" hspace="50">

CodeX is a team of digital specialists around the world interested in building high-quality open source products on a global market. We are open for young people who want to constantly improve their skills and grow professionally with experiments in cutting-edge technologies.

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