

Heading Tool

Version of EditorJS that the plugin is compatible with

Provides Headings Blocks for the Editor.js.


Get the package

yarn add @editorjs/header

Include module at your application

import Header from '@editorjs/header';

Optionally, you can load this tool from CDN JsDelivr CDN


Add a new Tool to the tools property of the Editor.js initial config.

var editor = EditorJS({

  tools: {
    header: Header,



You can insert this Block by a useful shortcut. Set it up with the tools[].shortcut property of the Editor's initial config.

var editor = EditorJS({

  tools: {
    header: {
      class: Header,
      shortcut: 'CMD+SHIFT+H',


Config Params

All properties are optional.

placeholderstringheader's placeholder string
levelsnumber[]enabled heading levels
defaultLevelnumberdefault heading level
var editor = EditorJS({

  tools: {
    header: {
      class: Header,
      config: {
        placeholder: 'Enter a header',
        levels: [2, 3, 4],
        defaultLevel: 3


Tool's settings

An image showing the header block tool

You can select one of six levels for heading.

Output data

textstringheader's text
levelnumberlevel of header: 1 for H1, 2 for H2 ... 6 for H6
  "type": "header",
  "data": {
    "text": "Why Telegram is the best messenger",
    "level": 2