

Attaches Tool

Tool for the Editor.js.

This tool allows you to attach files to your articles.

Example of the Attach tool look


You can get the package using any of these ways.

Via NPM / Yarn

npm install @editorjs/attaches

Load from CDN

You can load specific version of package from jsDelivr CDN.


Then require this script on page with Editor.js through the <script src=""></script> tag.


Add a new Tool to the tools property of the Editor.js initial config.

import AttachesTool from '@editorjs/attaches';

var editor = EditorJS({

  tools: {
    attaches: {
      class: AttachesTool,
      config: {
        endpoint: 'http://localhost:8008/uploadFile'


Config Params

Attaches Tool supports these configuration parameters:

endpointstringOptional endpoint for file uploading or use uploader
uploader{uploadByFile: function}Optional custom uploading method or use endpoint
fieldstring(default: file) Name of uploaded file field in POST request
typesstring(default: *) Mime-types of files that can be accepted with file selection.
buttonTextstring(default: Select file) Placeholder for file upload button
errorMessagestring(default: File upload failed) Message to show if file upload failed
additionalRequestHeadersobject(default: {}) Object with any custom headers which will be added to request. Example: {"X-CSRF-TOKEN": "W5fe2...hR8d1"}

Output data

This Tool returns data with following format

fileobjectUploaded file data. Data received from backend uploader. See description below.
titlestringFile's title. Initially set as uploaded file name. Can be modified by user.

file object <a name="file-object"></a>

Object file consists of the following fields. All of them are optional, size and extension are supported by design.

urlstringFull public path of uploaded file
sizenumberFile's size (expected in bytes, according to Tool's design)
namestringFile's name
extensionstringFile's extension
    "type" : "attaches",
    "data" : {
        "file": {
            "url" : "https://www.tesla.com/tesla_theme/assets/img/_vehicle_redesign/roadster_and_semi/roadster/hero.jpg",
            "size": 91,
            "name": "hero.jpg",
            "extension": "jpg"
        "title": "Hero"

Backend response format

Response of your uploader should cover following format:

    "success" : 1,
    "file": {
        // any data you want
        // for example: url, name, size, title

success - uploading status. 1 for successful, 0 for failed

file - uploaded file data. Can contain any data you want to store. All fields will be stored as file object in output data.

Fields supported by the UI of block:

Providing custom uploading methods

As mentioned at the Config Params section, you have an ability to provide own custom uploading method. It is a quite simple: implement uploadByFile method and pass them via uploader config param. The method return a Promise that resolves with response in a format that described at the backend response format section.

MethodArgumentsReturn valueDescription
uploadByFileFile{Promise.<{success, file: {url}}>}Upload file to the server and return an uploaded file data


import AttachesTool from '@editorjs/attaches';

var editor = EditorJS({

  tools: {
    attaches: {
      class: AttachesTool,
      config: {
         * Custom uploader
        uploader: {
           * Upload file to the server and return an uploaded image data
           * @param {File} file - file selected from the device or pasted by drag-n-drop
           * @return {Promise.<{success, file: {url}}>}
            // your own uploading logic here
            return MyAjax.upload(file).then((response) => {
              return {
                success: 1,
                file: {
                  url: response.fileurl,
                  // any data you want
                  // for example: name, size, title