


Vim Bootstrap provides a simple method for generating .vimrc configuration files for Vim, NeoVim, NeoVim-Qt, MacVim and GVim.

Want to generate your vim/neovim file? Access here!

<a href="https://www.producthunt.com/posts/vim-bootstrap?utm_source=badge-featured&utm_medium=badge&utm_souce=badge-vim-bootstrap" target="_blank"><img src="https://api.producthunt.com/widgets/embed-image/v1/featured.svg?post_id=303760&theme=light" alt="vim-bootstrap - Your configuration generator for Neovim/Vim | Product Hunt" style="width: 250px; height: 54px;" width="250" height="54" /></a>


The distribution is designed to work with Vim >= 8 and neovim.


$ brew install git ctags


$ sudo apt-get install git exuberant-ctags ncurses-term curl
$ sudo emerge --ask dev-util/ctags sys-libs/ncurses dev-vcs/git dev-python/pyflakes net-misc/curl
$ sudo pacman -S git ctags ncurses curl
$ sudo dnf install ncurses-devel git ctags curl
$ sudo zypper in ncurses-devel git ctags curl


# pkg install git p5-Parse-ExuberantCTags ncurses curl

Python bundle (optionally)

$ pip install flake8 jedi
$ pip2 install --user --upgrade neovim
$ pip3 install --user --upgrade neovim

Elm bundle (optionally)

$ npm install -g elm-test
$ npm install -g elm-oracle
$ npm install -g elm-format@exp


curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh


vim: mv ~/Downloads/generate.vim ~/.vimrc

neovim: mv ~/Downloads/generate.vim $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim


Fast-installation by URL parameters

Vim-bootstrap generator can accept URL params via request as example below.

curl 'https://vim-bootstrap.com/generate.vim' --data 'editor=vim&frameworks=vuejs&langs=javascript&langs=php&langs=html&langs=ruby' > ~/.vimrc

Updating to the latest version

:VimBootstrapUpdate (thanks to @sherzberg)

Offline usage

You can run vim-bootstrap Go package to generate a vimrc file, just download it:

go get github.com/editor-bootstrap/vim-bootstrap
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/editor-bootstrap/vim-bootstrap
go build

Inside vim-bootstrap folder cd vim-bootstrap use vim-bootstrap module (file) like this example:

./vim-bootstrap -langs=python,lua,ruby,javascript,haskell -frameworks vuejs -editor=vim > ~/.vimrc

For more instructions run vim-bootstrap -h

openSUSE repo

vim-bootstrap is also available on openSUSE on both Leap 42.2/42.3 and Tumbleweed. Leap versions must add devel:tools repository before, while Tumbleweed users should have vim-bootstrap in the default repository without the need to add any extra repository.

$ sudo zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/tools/openSUSE_Leap_42.2/ devel:tools
$ sudo zypper ref
$ sudo zypper in vim-bootstrap
$ sudo zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/tools/openSUSE_Leap_42.3/ devel:tools
$ sudo zypper ref
$ sudo zypper in vim-bootstrap
$ sudo zypper ref
$ sudo zypper in vim-bootstrap

Adding a new Theme

Create a folder inside generate/vim_template/themes/ with the name of your theme.

mkdir generate/vim_template/themes/my_theme

Inside this folder, add a file called mytheme.vim with colorscheme instruction (optionally other configs).

echo "colorscheme mytheme" > generate/vim_template/themes/my_theme/mytheme.vim

Add a .bundle extension file with instructions of how to install theme.

echo "Plug username/mytheme" > generate/vim_template/themes/my_theme/mytheme.vim.bundle

Submit a PR and when approved new theme was added.


It's highly recommended to add customizations in a separate file. This way, you can maintain the original vim-bootstrap generated vimrc file and subsequent updates.

For Vim users, the files available for customization are ~/.vimrc.local and ~/.vimrc.local.bundles. The former handles general configuration while the latter handles external Vim plugins through vim-plug.

NeoVim users can also customize their configuration by using $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/local_init.vim and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/local_bundles.vim.


</summary> <details> <summary>:black_small_square: Basic Commands</summary>
:cd <path>Open path /path
<kbd>Ctrl</kbd><kbd>w</kbd>+<kbd>h</kbd><kbd>j</kbd><kbd>k</kbd><kbd>l</kbd>Navigate via split panels
<kbd>Ctrl</kbd><kbd>w</kbd><kbd>w</kbd>Alternative navigate vim split panels
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>.</kbd>Set path working directory
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>w</kbd> or <kbd>,</kbd><kbd>x</kbd>Next buffer navigate
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>q</kbd> or <kbd>,</kbd><kbd>z</kbd>previous buffer navigate
<kbd>shift</kbd><kbd>t</kbd>Create a tab
<kbd>tab</kbd>next tab navigate
<kbd>shift</kbd><kbd>tab</kbd>previous tab navigate
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>e</kbd>Find and open files
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>b</kbd>Find file on buffer (open file)
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>c</kbd>Close active buffer (close file)
<kbd>F2</kbd>Open tree navigate in actual opened file
<kbd>F3</kbd>Open/Close tree navigate files
<kbd>F4</kbd>List all class and method, support for python, go, lua, ruby and php
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>v</kbd>Split vertical
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>h</kbd>Split horizontal
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>f</kbd>Search in the project
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>o</kbd>Open github file/line (website), if used git in github
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>s</kbd><kbd>h</kbd>Open shell.vim terminal inside Vim or NeoVim built-in terminal
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>g</kbd><kbd>a</kbd>Execute git add on current file
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>g</kbd><kbd>c</kbd>git commit (splits window to write commit message)
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>g</kbd><kbd>s</kbd><kbd>h</kbd>git push
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>g</kbd><kbd>l</kbd><kbd>l</kbd>git pull
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>g</kbd><kbd>s</kbd>git status
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>g</kbd><kbd>b</kbd>git blame
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>g</kbd><kbd>d</kbd>git diff
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>g</kbd><kbd>r</kbd>git remove
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>s</kbd><kbd>o</kbd>Open Session
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>s</kbd><kbd>s</kbd>Save Session
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>s</kbd><kbd>d</kbd>Delete Session
<kbd>,</kbd><kbd>s</kbd><kbd>c</kbd>Close Session
<kbd>></kbd>indent to right
<kbd><</kbd>indent to left
<kbd>g</kbd><kbd>c</kbd>Comment or uncomment lines that {motion} moves over
<kbd>Y</kbd><kbd>Y</kbd>Copy to clipboard
<kbd>Ctrl</kbd><kbd>y</kbd> + <kbd>,</kbd>Activate Emmet plugin
<kbd>Ctrl</kbd><kbd>h</kbd>Does a fuzzy search in your command mode history
</details> <details> <summary>:black_small_square: Python hotkeys</summary>
SHIFT+kOpen documentation
,dGo to the Class/Method definition
,rRename object definition
,nShow where command is usage
</details> <details> <summary>:black_small_square: Ruby hotkeys</summary>
,aRun all specs
,lRun last spec
,tRun current spec
,rapAdd Parameter
,rcpcInline Temp
,relConvert Post Conditional
,recExtract Constant (visual selection)
,recExtract to Let (Rspec)
,relvExtract Local Variable (visual selection)
,rrlvRename Local Variable (visual selection/variable under the cursor)
,rrivRename Instance Variable (visual selection)
,remExtract Method (visual selection)
</details> <details> <summary>:black_small_square: Php hotkeys</summary>
,uInclude use statement
,mmInvoke the context menu
,nnInvoke the navigation menu
,ooGoto definition
,ohGoto definition on horizontal split
,ovGoto definition on vertical split
,otGoto definition on tab
,KShow brief information about the symbol under the cursor
,ttTransform the classes in the current file
,ccGenerate a new class (replacing the current file)
,eeExtract expression (normal mode)
,eeExtract expression (visual selection)
,emExtract method (visual selection)
,pcdcs-fixer fix directory
,pcfcs-fixer fix file

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Visit the following sites to learn more about Vim: