



Copyright (c) 2019 FastFieldSolvers S.R.L. - http://www.fastfieldsolvers.com


FasterCap is a powerful three- and two-dimensional capactiance extraction program.

For pre-compiled binaries, support, consultancy and additional information please visit http://www.fastfieldsolvers.com/ Access to the download pages is free, and you may access anonymously if you want.

The source code is released under LGPL 2.1 or any later LGPL version, see the file LICENSE.txt for the details.


FasterCap can be compiled for MS Windows and for *nix. For multiple platform compilation support, FasterCap uses CMake, plus Code::Blocks for the GUI version. The following software tools and complier chains are required. Used versions are indicated, higher version may work, but were not tested.

MS Windows 64 bits


Linux 64 bits


Example (using a GUI-less CMake):

Move to the build directory you choose (different from the source files directory) and type the following command, where "../FasterCap" is the path to the base directory containing the FasterCap source code:

cmake -G"CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../FasterCap

Then you can open Code::Blocks, open the FasterCap.cbp project file created by CMake under the build diretory, and compile it.

Linux 64 bits headless



Move to the build directory you choose (different from the source files directory) and type the following command, where "../FasterCap" is the path to the base directory containing the FasterCap source code:


Then you can launch the build process with:


Remark: at run time you will see the an "Assert failure" message. This is a wxWidgets issue, see "debug message when running without session manager". The assert is harmless, and it is fixed starting from wxWidgets 3.1.1

Additional packages

FasterCap also requires two additional source code packages, that are available through the same official repositories you can access from http://www.fastfieldsolvers.com/ or directly from GitHub.

The packages are:

Both package directories, with the above names, must be at the same hierarchy level in the folder structure of the FasterCap source code directory, and are handled by CMake.

Additional information

For any additional information please visit FastFieldSolvers, write on the FastFieldSolvers Forum or contact us.