

<a href="http://jekyllrb.com" title="Jekyll" target="_blank"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ginfuru/vscode-jekyll-snippets/master/images/jekyll-logo.png" atl="Jekyll Logo" width="250"></a> snippets package for Visual Studio Code.

GitHub release

Jekyll snippets for Visual Studio Code. This is a combination of both the the sublime-jekyll package by @23maverick23. and the atom-jekyll package by @jasonhodges.

HTML, Jekyll Lang and Markdown Support

Roadmap & Contributing

I do have plans to continue adding more snippets, based on the Jekyll Tips Cheat Sheet, but PLEASE feel free to contribute and/or file issues with requests. If you do want to contribute please make sure to create a feature branch and when creating a pull request to rebase or squash prior to.

Thanks again to @23maverick23. and @jasonhodges