

Inline docs Release Docker


Open Pusher implementation compatible with Pusher libraries. It's designed to be used as a single registered app with id, secret and key defined on start.

How do I speak 'poxa'?

['poʃa] - Phonetic notation

[posha] : po ( potion ), sha ( shall )



Poxa is a standalone elixir server implementation of the Pusher protocol.

You need Elixir 1.16 at least and Erlang 26.0

Clone this repository


mix deps.get
mix compile

The default configuration is:

Using Docker

Docker images are automatically built by Docker Hub. They are available at Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/edgurgel/poxa-automated/tags/

One can generate it using: docker build -t local/poxa ..

The docker run command should look like this:

docker run --rm --name poxa -p 8080:8080 edgurgel/poxa-automated:latest


The following environment variables are supported:

Your application

If you are using the pusher-gem:

Pusher.host   = 'localhost'
Pusher.port   = 8080

And pusher-js:

// will only use WebSockets
var pusher = new Pusher(APP_KEY, {
  wsHost: 'localhost',
  wsPort: 8080,
  enabledTransports: ["ws", "flash"],
  disabledTransports: ["flash"]

A working poxa is on https://poxa.onrender.com/, with:

Also a pusher example(https://github.com/pusher/pusher-presence-demo) is running using poxa at: http://poxa-presence-chat.herokuapp.com/


A simple console is available on index:


You can see it in action on http://poxa.herokuapp.com using "app_key" and "secret" to connect. Now open the poxa-presence-chat and watch events happening!


Poxa uses gproc extensively to register websocket connections as channels. So, when a client subscribes for channel 'example-channel', the websocket connection (which is a elixir process) is "tagged" as {pusher, example-channel}. When a pusher event is triggered on the 'example-channel', every websocket matching the tag receives the event.


If you'd like to hack on Poxa, start by forking my repo on Github.

Dependencies can be fetched running:

MIX_ENV=dev mix deps.get


mix compile

The test suite used is the ExUnit and Mimic to mock stuff.

To run tests:

mix test

Pull requests are greatly appreciated.



Pusher is an excellent service and you should use it in production.


Thanks to @bastos for the project name :heart:!

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