


Cycle.js drivers for Blessed.

example/writer.js: http://i.imgur.com/NE2AcK4.gif


$ npm i -S cycle-blessed

Getting Started


import { run } from '@cycle/core';
import blessed from 'blessed';
import { makeTermDriver, box } from 'cycle-blessed';
import { Observable as $ } from 'rx';

let screen = blessed.screen({ smartCSR: true, useBCE: true, title: 'Hello, World!' });

let BlueBox = text => box({ border: { type: 'line', fg: 'blue' } }, text);

run(({ term }) => ({
	term: $.just(BlueBox('Hello, World!')),
	exit: term.on('key C-c')
}), {
	term: makeTermDriver(screen),
	exit: exit$ => exit$.forEach(::process.exit)



###makeTermDriver(screen) => CycleDriver

Takes a stream of Blessed Elements.

Produces an object containing stream creators on and onGlobal.

#####on(event, transform = []) => Observable

Takes all events supported by the Blessed EventEmitter. Emits events from the root element. Optionally, you can specify arbitrary stream transformers as transform. See API/transform for a list of available transformers.

All nested events in the form of element event can be abbreviated to *event.

The Observable emits an array of arguments per event (an array is necessary because of a limitation of the RxJS pipeline).

on('key a').forEach(([el, ch, key]) => console.log(`pressed [${ ch }]`))

#####onGlobal(event, transform = []) => Observable

Takes all events supported by the Blessed EventEmitter. Emits events from the screen object. See on.

###makeScreenDriver(screen) => CycleDriver

Takes a stream of operations to the screen object (e.g. screen => screen.realloc()). Produces a stream of the operations' results.

###h(name, options = {}, children = []) => Element

Creates a Blessed Element. If children or one of its elements is a String, it will be converted into a text node.

h('box', { content: 'Hello!' });

###factory(name) => (options = {}, children = []) => Element

Creates a helper function for Blessed Elemets.

let box = factory('box');

box({ content: 'Hello!' });

###x(options = {}, children = []) => Element

Where x is any one of box, element, text, layout, form, textarea, button.


Transforms are helper functions that help to reduce boilerplate for common UI and data idioms.

###id(i) => stream => Stream

on('*click', id('Submit'))

Emits all clicks on elements that have an id of 'Submit'.

###view(...v) => stream => Stream

on('*click', view(0, 'value'))

Emits all clicks, plucking the first element and then the value property.

###key(k) => stream => Stream

on('*keypress', key('C-c'))

Emits all keypresses in which 'C-c' was entered.

###constant(i) => stream => Stream

on('*click', constant(true))

Emits true for every click.

###init(...i) => stream => Stream

on('*keypress', init({}))

Emits every keypress, starting with {}.

###toggle(init) => stream => Stream

on('*click', toggle(false))

Toggles between true and false for every click, starting with false.





http://i.imgur.com/IOA1AoN.png http://i.imgur.com/ai34uJT.png


http://i.imgur.com/J1oYcuL.png http://i.imgur.com/NomEesn.png

