


Kinda like cat but only for Jupyter Notebooks + it goes full LSD-grade rainbow colors if its stdout looks like a TTY. Simultaneously very different from cat because it doesn't concatenate stuff and just displays the first file you give it.

This project is very very WIP and it panic!s a lot. Actually there's no proper error handling whatsoever for the time being.



cargo install --git https://github.com/edgarogh/ipynbat --branch main works.



The project's structure is too unstable at the moment, and the code is horrible.

License & credits

You can enjoy ipynbat under the GPL-3.0 license. As jokingly said above, the style and color of its output is more than inspired from the great bat project (licensed as MIT or Apache-2.0) that also happens to be written in Rust; make sure to install it because it is incredibly more useful, and actually concatenates stuff.