Project to show the strutcture and the steps of the implementation of the ResearchObject into Nextflow.
All the work is being coded into the branch research-object of my nextflow fork
Pipeline Repository.
To run the example just run the command ./ run nextflow-io/rnatoy -with-docker -with-trace -with-prov
We are using the RNASeq-nf pipeline as a example to identify the elements and the structure of the RO.
After identify the elements and the interactions, it will be a fisrt approach for us case.
Files Structure
We believe the folder/file structure has to look like this:
Being the content of the files as follow:
- .ro
- annotations
- metadata.xml -> software version, command line "snapshot"
- manifest.json -> containing author's, project date, change's log
- annotations
- workflow
- bin -> nextflow "working" directory
- nextflow.config
- mimetype
- visualitation.png -> pipeline graph
- bin -> nextflow "working" directory
File structure V2
Trying to define the correct structure of the RO, I have this new version of the files tree and the content of them
File structure V2.1
After the BOSC 2018 in Portal, and thanks to some CWL&RO posters. We decide to move to a similar structure. Avoiding big differences between RO zip files between CWL and Nextflow.
The files inside the orange square are the nextflow directory.
is the main scrip file and the nextflow.config
is the configuration file for the pipeline. Then the bin
folder is an example of an optional/extra files.
{ "@id": "/",
"@context": [""],
"author": "authorFoo"
"description": "manifest description foo"
"date": <DATE of creation>
"aggregates": [
{ "@id": "/",
"@context": [""],
"container_technology": "Docker" //Docker/Singularity/Not container used
"container_sha": "f7a60a2f83b7e98db6f45034c94541901e270cafdc8e1f9ae4cd5a2b7edd039c" //<SHA256>/Not container used
"container_name":"nextflow/rnatoy@sha256:9ac0345b5851b2b20913cb4e6d469df77cf1232bafcadf8fd929535614a85c75" //<container_name>/Not container used
"UUID": "2961a607-7a96-43ae-82c6-27eb0892fd1d" //nextflow execution UUID
"commandLine":"run nextflow-io/rnatoy -with-docker -with-trace -with-prov -resume"
"wasGeneratedBy": {
"NF:generatedBy_1_/home/edgar/CBCRG/nextflow/work/2e/2969be0f03561e68e4ce0c13d689f0/genome.index.1.bt2": {
"prov:entity": "NF:/home/edgar/CBCRG/nextflow/work/2e/2969be0f03561e68e4ce0c13d689f0/genome.index.1.bt2",
"prov:role": {
"$": "",
"type": "xsd:string"
"prov:activity": "NF:activity_1"
"activity": {
"NF:activity_1": {
"prov:type": {
"$": "ActivityType",
"type": "NF:process"
"prov:label": "buildIndex (ggal_1_48850000_49020000.Ggal71.500bpflank)"
<DATE> -- author -- --<UUID> -- <image SHA>
06/07/2018 15:03:07 -- AuthorFoo -- 2961a607-7a96-43ae-82c6-27eb0892fd1d --f7a60a2f83b7e98db6f45034c94541901e270cafdc8e1f9ae4cd5a2b7edd039c
Input/Output code
The structure of the I/O is the following:
They will be entities
The definition of an Entity allow us to have:
- ID :
- Properties:
- other: Interface for PROV objects that have non-PROV attributes -> my idea is to have extra info here
- value: Direct representation of an entity
<value=<file_name>; type=prov:{}value>
- kind:
- type: Provides further typing information for any construct with an optional set of attribute-value pairs (file,URI,int...) ?checksum, size?
org.openprovenance.prov.xml.Type@525692af[ value=URI_Foo type='xsd:{}anyURI'], org.openprovenance.prov.xml.Type@1dda70c4[ value=checksumFOO type='NF_prov:{}checksum'], org.openprovenance.prov.xml.Type@2ec90447[ value=sizeFoo type='NF_prov:{}fileSize'], org.openprovenance.prov.xml.Type@5b9a9530[ value=fileFoo type='NF_prov:{}objectType']'
- class:
class org.openprovenance.prov.xml.Entity
- label: Provides a human-readable representation, and we can have has many labels as we want.
value=labelFOO; lang=ENG
- location: A location can be an identifiable geographic place (ISO 19112), but it can also be a non-geographic place such as a directory, row, or column. Personally I dont see it usefull, we already have the path on the ID
Example entity(NF:/home/edgar/CBCRG/nextflow/work/0f/c188d4d568b1c49d7b510f36598f48/transcript_ggal_liver.gtf,[prov:value = "transcript_ggal_liver.gtf" %% prov:value])
Next element is the Activity , in our case they will be the Process The definition of this element allow us to capture:
- ID:
this decision is becasue the task_id is unique for each process, then it will made the activity id unique too. - Type:
make it open if in the future we can identify more activites not just process - Label:
being able to identify with activity is part of wich process. (make it more readable for humans)
Example activity(NF:activity_3,-,-,[prov:type = "ActivityType" %% NF:process, prov:label = "mapping (ggal_liver)"])
Another task done is the Used and wasGeneratedBy relations. Being the main relations between the input/output files and the processes. When a process consume a file, it generates a used relationship. And when the process makes a file it is generated a wasGeneratedBy relation between the process and the output file.
Dummy Real Example
Full version of the file can be found here:
"wasGeneratedBy": {
"NF:generatedBy_1_/home/edgar/CBCRG/nextflow/work/2e/2969be0f03561e68e4ce0c13d689f0/genome.index.1.bt2": {
"prov:entity": "NF:/home/edgar/CBCRG/nextflow/work/2e/2969be0f03561e68e4ce0c13d689f0/genome.index.1.bt2",
"prov:role": {
"$": "",
"type": "xsd:string"
"prov:activity": "NF:activity_1"
"activity": {
"NF:activity_1": {
"prov:type": {
"$": "ActivityType",
"type": "NF:process"
"prov:label": "buildIndex (ggal_1_48850000_49020000.Ggal71.500bpflank)"
"used": {
"NF:used_1_/home/edgar/.nextflow/assets/nextflow-io/rnatoy/data/ggal/ggal_1_48850000_49020000.Ggal71.500bpflank.fa": {
"prov:entity": "NF:/home/edgar/.nextflow/assets/nextflow-io/rnatoy/data/ggal/ggal_1_48850000_49020000.Ggal71.500bpflank.fa",
"prov:activity": "NF:activity_1"
"entity": {
"NF:/home/edgar/.nextflow/assets/nextflow-io/rnatoy/data/ggal/ggal_1_48850000_49020000.Ggal71.500bpflank.fa": {
"prov:value": {
"$": "ggal_1_48850000_49020000.Ggal71.500bpflank.fa",
"type": "prov:value"
"NF:/home/edgar/CBCRG/nextflow/work/2e/2969be0f03561e68e4ce0c13d689f0/genome.index.1.bt2": [
"prov:value": {
"$": "genome.index.1.bt2",
"type": "prov:value"
"prov:value": {
"$": "genome.index.1.bt2",
"type": "prov:value"
Meaning that the entity(file) NF:/home/edgar/CBCRG/nextflow/work/2e/2969be0f03561e68e4ce0c13d689f0/genome.index.1.bt2
was created by the activity NF:activity_1
, and we knwo that it is the process buildIndex (ggal_1_48850000_49020000.Ggal71.500bpflank)
Then we can see how activity_1 has consumed the entity(file) NF:/home/edgar/.nextflow/assets/nextflow-io/rnatoy/data/ggal/ggal_1_48850000_49020000.Ggal71.500bpflank.fa
Next Steps
Next steps will be to start saving the file with the structure we have defined before
generate the sha for the files. Then we will clean the code and use
Refactor code to make it as a toolEnum
for the PROV-Types.
Implement Agent with container's info
RO Bundle
To generate the RO bundle we need to create first the mimetype for the RO
echo -n application/vnd.wf4ever.robundle+zip > mimetype
zip -0 -X mimetype
Then, we will add the files to the zip bundle using the following command:
zip rawdata5.csv paper3.pdf .ro/manifest.json
For the manifest, it will looks like:
"@context": [
"@base": "arcp://uuid,66b766de-b56a-49de-9246-8a8c3ba1d0a2/metadata/"
"id": "/",
"manifest": "manifest.json",
"createdOn": "2018-04-05T06:22:36.552110",
"createdBy": {
"uri": "urn:uuid:36dd58bb-b50f-4774-9fbe-aeffc7234ae6",
"name": "cwltool 1.0.20180404035408"
"aggregates": [
"uri": "urn:hash::sha1:f650cc2571ee262d625d2e6c8ec91ec9880fe61b",
"bundledAs": {
"folder": "/data/f6/",
"uri": "arcp://uuid,66b766de-b56a-49de-9246-8a8c3ba1d0a2/data/f6/f650cc2571ee262d625d2e6c8ec91ec9880fe61b",
"filename": "f650cc2571ee262d625d2e6c8ec91ec9880fe61b"
}, ...
QUESTION: Do we need to list ALL the files? --> The same Bundle capture them
After that, we will move to the next milestone, capture author information, container hash, ...
To implement the PROV into NF, we are using Prov-DM and ProvToolBox
- Files Structure Moockup
- Identify elements (Activity/Entity)
- Input/Output NF
- Get critical data -> author, container hash
- Get container's software version
- Automatic relation identification
- Generate RO Object
- Refactor code to implement as a tool -- under development
- Implement AGENT object (to save container's info)
- Generate Snapshot content -> (relative path??)
- Find a way to KNOW the final output folder -- HELP NEEDED
- Find a way to KNOW the software version -> include a auxFile written by the user? -- HELP NEEDED
- Test and Documentation