



A collection of autoencoder models in PyTorch.



git clone https://github.com/edflow/autoencoders.git
cd autoencoders
pip install -e .

and run a reconstruction demo:

edexplore -b configs/demo.yaml

To reconstruct your own images, just add them to the assets folder.


import autoencoders

model = autoencoders.get_model("bigae_animals")

Currently available models are

Models implement encode, which returns a Distribution, and decode which returns an image. A minimal working example is

import torch
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import autoencoders

model = autoencoders.get_model("bigae_animals")

x = Image.open("assets/fox.jpg")                      # example image
x = torch.tensor(np.array(x)/127.5-1.0)               # h,w,RGB in [-1,1]
x = x[None,...].transpose(3,2).transpose(2,1).float() # batch,RGB,h,w
p = model.encode(x)                                   # Distribution
z = p.sample()                                        # sampled latent code
xrec = model.decode(z)                                # batch,RGB,h,w

We also include BigGAN models, biggan_128, biggan_256, but they do not implement encode. biggan_128 takes a sample from a normal distribution of size 120 and biggan_256 of size 256. Both require an additional class label input (integer in range(1000)) for decode. You can start a demo for them by starting

streamlit run autoencoders/demo.py

and selecting sample from the Demo dropdown menu. Adjust z_shape to 140 if you select the biggan_256 model.


Import dataset classes:

from autoencoders.data import <DatasetSplit>

Take a look:

edexplore --dataset autoencoders.data.<DatasetSplit>

Possible values for <DatasetSplit>:


Note that the datasets will be downloaded (through Academic Torrents) and prepared the first time they are used. Since ImageNet is quite large, this requires a lot of disk space and time. If you already have ImageNet on your disk, you can speed things up by putting the data into ${XDG_CACHE}/autoencoders/data/ILSVRC2012_{split}/data/ (which defaults to ~/.cache/autoencoders/data/ILSVRC2012_{split}/data/), where {split} is one of train/validation. It should have the following structure:

├── n01440764
│   ├── n01440764_10026.JPEG
│   ├── n01440764_10027.JPEG
│   ├── ...
├── n01443537
│   ├── n01443537_10007.JPEG
│   ├── n01443537_10014.JPEG
│   ├── ...
├── ...

If you haven't extracted the data, you can also place ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar/ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar (or symlinks to them) into ${XDG_CACHE}/autoencoders/data/ILSVRC2012_train/ / ${XDG_CACHE}/autoencoders/data/ILSVRC2012_validation/, which will then be extracted into above structure without downloading it again. Note that this will only happen if neither a folder ${XDG_CACHE}/autoencoders/data/ILSVRC2012_{split}/data/ nor a file ${XDG_CACHE}/autoencoders/data/ILSVRC2012_{split}/.ready exist. Remove them if you want to force running the dataset preparation again.


This dataset was for example used in FUNIT. It contains all 149 carnivorous mammal animal classes from the ImageNet dataset. If this dataset is not available on your disk, the dataset will automatically be build upon first use, following the cropping procedure as described and implemented here. Note that this requires that the ImageNet dataset is already present as described above.

We provide two different splits of this dataset:

An additional subset of AnimalFacesShared, which contains ten animal classes chosen to be visually dissimilar, is available as:

It consists of the following synsets:


teaser This dataset contains the same images as AnimalFaces, but without cropping. In this case, the split follows that of ImageNet itself. Note that this is incompatible with the splits of AnimalFaces because the latter is a subset of the ImageNet train split.


The Animals with Attributes 2 dataset. Note that our train and test split contain the same classes, which is different from the original splits which contained disjoint animal classes.

Place (or symlink) data extracted from AwA2-data.zip into ${XDG_CACHE}/autoencoders/data/AwA2/Animals_with_Attributes2, or it will be extracted from ${XDG_CACHE}/autoencoders/data/AwA2/AwA2-data.zip, which will be downloaded if not present.


For convenience, we include datasets which provide inputs to BigGAN (or other class conditional models). They consist of n_train_samples/n_test_samples examples containing z, sampled from a (truncated, if truncation config value is specified) normal distribution of shape z_shape, and class, a random integer between 0 (inclusive) and n_classes (exclusive). Train split always samples anew for each example, test split contains deterministic examples.