

<div align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/eddiejibson/limitrr-php"><img alt="chae" src="https://cdn.oxro.io/chae/img/limitrr-php.png" width="432.8" height="114.2"></a> <br> <br> <!-- <img src="https://circleci.com/gh/eddiejibson/limitrr-php.svg?style=svg"></img> --> <img src="https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/eddiejibson/limitrr-php/badge"> <a href="https://paypal.me/eddiejibson/5"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/donate-PayPal-brightgreen.svg"></a> <!-- <img src="https://requires.io/github/eddiejibson/chae-limitrr/requirements.svg?branch=master"> --> <img src="https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/eddiejibson/limitrr-php.svg">

Light rate limting within PHP using Redis.


Limitrr PHP is very heavily inspired by my other library, Limitrr which was created for NodeJS. Check it out here

Limitrr PHP allows users to easily integrate rate limiting within their application. Unlike other similar packages, this utility allows the user to limit not only by the number of requests but also the number of completed actions (e.g allowing a certain amount of accounts to be successfully created within a timespan) and have such restricted with custom options. As well as this, custom discriminators are possible - you no longer have to limit by just the user's IP.

This library also provides a middleware function for easily ratelimting whatever various routes you may have within a SlimPHP project.

If you appreciate this project, please 🌟 it on GitHub.

Pull Requests are welcomed


You can install the limitrr-php libary via executing the following commandline in your terminal (assuming you have composer installed)

composer require eddiejibson/limitrr-php "^1.0"

Quick Guide

Basic Usage

require "/vendor/autoload.php"; //Require composer's autoload

$options = [
    //Redis keystore information
    "redis" => [
        "host" => "666.chae.sh",
        "port" => 6379,
        "password" => "supersecret",
    "routes" => [
        "default" => [
            "requestsPerExpiry" => 5,


//Initialize the Limitrr class and pass the options defined above into it
//Note that the options are not required.
$limitrr = new \eddiejibson\limitrr\Limitrr($options);

//Various examples like this can be found further into the documentation,
//for each function.
$result = $limitrr->get(["discriminator" => $ip]);
echo $result["requests"] + " Requests";
echo $result["completed"] + " Completed";
//Note that this library is no means just for SlimPHP, it just happens to
//provide a middleware function for those who may need it.

//Usage within SlimPHP
$app = new Slim\App();

//Use the Limitrr SlimPHP middleware function, if you wish:
$app->add(new \eddiejibson\limitrr\RateLimitMiddleware($limitrr)); //Make sure to pass in the main Limitrr
//instance we defined above into the middleware function. This is mandatory.

//You can also add the get IP middleware function, it will append the user's real IP
//(behind Cloudflare or not) to the request.
$app->add(new \eddiejibson\limitrr\getIpMiddleware());

//Example usage within a route
$app->get("/hello/{name}", function ($request, $response, $args) {
    $name = $args["name"];
    $ip = $request->getAttribute('realip'); //Get the IP that was defined within Limitrr's get IP middleware function
    return $response->getBody()->write("Hello, ${name}. Your IP is ${ip}.");

//You do not have to app the middleware function to every single route, globally.
//You can do it indivually, too - along with passing options into such. Like so:
$app->get("/createUser/{name}", function ($request, $response, $args) {
    //Non intensive actions like simple verification will have a different limit to intensive ones.
    //and will only be measured in terms of each request via the middleware.
    //No further action is required.
    if (strlen($args["name"]) < 5) {
        //Dummy function creating user
        $res = $someRandomClass->registerUser();
        if ($res) {
            //Intensive actions like actually registering a user should have a
            //different limit to normal requests, hence the completedActionsPerExpiry option.
            //and should only be added to once this task has been completed fully
            //In this example, we will be limiting the amount of completed actions a certain IP can make.
            //Anything can be passed in here, however. For example, a email address or user ID.
            //$request->getAttribute('realip') was determined by calling the middleware earlier - getIpMiddleware()
            $limitrr->complete(["discriminator"] => $ip);
})->add(new \eddiejibson\limitrr\RateLimitMiddleware($limitrr, ["route"=>"createUser"]));
//You can also pass the route name within the limitrr middleware function


Get value of certain key


Returns: Array

    "discriminator" => $discriminator, //Required
    "route" => $route, //Not required, default is assumed
    "type" => $type //Not required
->get() Parameters

Must be passed into the function via an array

->get() Examples
    "discriminator" => $discriminator,
    "type" => $type,
    "route" => $route
]); //Besides discriminator, all parameters are optional.
//If type is not passed into the function, it will
//return both the amount of requests and completed actions

//Where discriminator is the thing being limited
//e.g x amount of completed actions/requests per discriminator
$limitrr->get(["discriminator" => $discriminator]);

//This tends to be the user's IP.
$limitrr->get(["discriminator" => $ip]);
//This will return both the amount of requests and completed actions stored under the
//discriminator provided in an object. You can handle like this:
$result = $limitrr->get(["discriminator" => $ip]);
echo $result["requests"] + " Requests";
echo $result["completed"] + " Completed";

//The above example would get the request and completed task count from the default
//route. If you would like to retrieve values from a different route, you can specify
//this as well. It can be done like this:
$result = $limitrr->get(["discriminator" => $ip, "route" => "exampleRouteName"]);
echo $result["requests"] . " Requests made through the route exampleRouteName";
echo $result["completed"] . " Completed Tasks made through the route exampleRouteName";

//You may also only fetch only one type of value - instead of both requests and completed.
$result = $limitrr->get(["discriminator" => $ip, "route" => "exampleRouteName", "type" => "completed"]);
echo $result["completed"] . " Completed tasks made through the route exampleRouteName";

Complete action/task count


Returns: Integer

    "discriminator" => $discriminator, //Required
    "route" => $route, //Not required, default is assumed
->complete() Parameters

Must be passed into the function via an array

Removal of values from certain request/completed keys


Returns: Boolean

    "discriminator" => $discriminator, //Required
    "route" => $route, //Not required, default is assumed,
    "type" => $type //Not required
->reset() Parameters

Must be passed into the function via an array

//Where discriminator is the thing being limited
//e.g x amount of completed actions/requests per discriminator
//This will remove both the amount of requests and completed action count
$limitrr->reset(["discriminator" => $discriminator]);

//This tends to be the user's IP.
$limitrr->reset(["discriminator" => $ip]);

//If you wish to reset counts from a particular route, this can be done as well.
//As the type is not specified, it will remove both the request and completed count
$result = $limitrr->reset([
    "discriminator" => $ip,
    "route" => "exampleRouteName"
if ($result) {
    echo "Requests removed from the route exampleRouteName";
} else {
    //Do something else

//If you want to remove either one of the amount of requests or completed actions.
//but not the other, this can be done as well.
//The value passed in can either be "requests" or "completed".
//In this example, we will be removing the request count for a certain IP
$result = $limitrr->reset([
    "discriminator" => $ip,
    "type" => "requests"
if ($result) {
    echo "Request count for the specified IP were removed"
} else {
    //do something else



Required: false

Type: Array OR String

Description: Redis connection information.

Either pass in a string containing the URI of the redis instance or an object containing the connection information:

Example of the redis array/string that could be passed into Limitrr

    //Pass in a string containing a redis URI.
    "redis" => "redis://"
    //Alternatively, use an array with the connection information.
    "redis" => [
        "port" => 6379, //Redis Port. Required: false. Defaults to 6379
        "host" => "", //Redis hostname. required: False. Defaults to "".
        "password" => "mysecretpassword1234", //Redis password. Required: false. Defaults to null.
        "database" => 0 //Redis database. Required: false. Defaults to 0.


Required: false

Type: Array

Description: Various options to do with Limitrr.

Example of the options object that could be passed into Limitrr

"options" => [
    "keyName" => "myApp", //The keyname all of the requests will be stored under. Required: false. Defaults to "limitrr"
    "errorStatusCode" => 429 //Should important errors such as failure to connect to the Redis keystore be caught and displayed?


Required: false

Type: Array

Description: Define route restrictions.

Inside the routes object, you can define many separate routes and set custom rules within them. The custom rules you can set are:

Example of the routes array

"routes" => [
    //Overwrite default route rules - not all of the keys must be set,
    //only the ones you wish to overwrite
    "default" => [
        "expiry": 1000
    "exampleRoute" => [
        "requestsPerExpiry" => 100,
        "completedActionsPerExpiry" => 5,
        "expiry" => 900,
        "completedExpiry" => 900,
        "errorMsgs" => [
            "requests" => "As you have made too many requests, you are being rate limited.",
            "completed" => "As you performed too many successful actions, you have been rate limited."
    //If not all keys are set, they will revert to
    //the default values
    "exampleRoute2" => [
        "requestsPerExpiry" => 500