

Sinatra Rack Middleware OAuth Provider

An experiment in creating a Sinatra OAuth Provider as Rack Middleware, a simple OAuth Consumer and API wrapper to tie it all together.

The Rack Middleware takes a simple hash of OAuth protected paths (represented by regular expressions) and associated request methods.

To run the provider:

ruby provider.rb

Go to http://localhost:4567/

To run the consumer:

ruby consumer.rb -p 5678

Go to http://localhost:5678/

Requirements and Installation

Sinatra: http://sinatra.github.com/

sudo gem install sinatra

Datamapper: http://datamapper.org/

sudo gem install datamapper
sudo gem install do_sqlite3

OAuth for Ruby: http://github.com/pelle/oauth

sudo gem install oauth

OAuth Provider for Ruby: http://github.com/halorgium/oauth_provider

Since there is no gem yet you will need to do the following: cd lib git clone git://github.com/halorgium/oauth_provider.git

Thanks to pelle, halorgium (for the auth_provider), and singpolyma (for the simple Sinatra example)! And to the Vancouver "Ruby in the Rain" event for opening my eyes to Sinatra. You guys rock!
