


Quick Start


Installing Scoop

Make sure you have allowed PowerShell to execute local scripts

set-executionpolicy remotesigned -scope currentuser

Installing Scoop to Custom Directory

Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://get.scoop.sh')

How to install bucket

scoop bucket add echo https://github.com/echoiron/echo-scoop

App of installing bucket

scoop install echo/app_name

# e.g.
scoop install echo/fscapture

Delete all buckets

scoop bucket rm *

Commonly used commands

scoop update
scoop update *
scoop install echo/notepad4
scoop install 7zip git --global
scoop install aria2 curl grep sed less touch
scoop install python@3.12.4
scoop install wechat -f
scoop uninstall discord -p
scoop cache rm *
scoop cleanup *

Commonly used buckets

scoop bucket add main ;`
scoop bucket add extras ;`
scoop bucket add echo https://github.com/echoiron/echo-scoop ;`
scoop bucket add dodorz https://github.com/dodorz/scoop ;`
scoop bucket add dorado https://github.com/chawyehsu/dorado
scoop bucket add main & ^
scoop bucket add extras & ^
scoop bucket add echo https://github.com/echoiron/echo-scoop & ^
scoop bucket add dodorz https://github.com/dodorz/scoop & ^
scoop bucket add dorado https://github.com/chawyehsu/dorado

Other app buckets

