

AES Killer (Burpsuite Plugin)

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Burpsuite Plugin to decrypt AES Encrypted traffic on the fly

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/LKYQMoj.png" />


Tested on

What it does

NOTE: Currently support AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding && AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding encryption/decryption.

How it works

How to Build

$ git clone https://github.com/Ebryx/AES-Killer/
$ cd AES-Killer
$ ./gradlew clean build


AES_Killer-Parameters.java: Let's say if application enforcing encryption on few parameters in request and these parameters will change every time with respect to endpoint/request so all you need to do is as follow

<pre> - Add endpoints by adding <code><bold>this.endpoints.add("abc");</bold></code> in registerExtenderCallbacks function - Add parameters which will be encrypted in `String[][] parameters` - Add rest of parameter in grant_type or make blank entry </pre>

and let the code do the magic for you.

AES_Killer_v3.0.java: This variant is generic and can deal with any type of request format i-e GET, POST(Form, JSON) with alternate parameters on different endpoints

<pre> - Clone the project and replace the BurpExtender.java with AES_Killer_v3.0.java code - Modify the endpoints and parameters of each request type in order as shown below - Update SecretKey and IV parameters and other required methods - Build the project and you are good to go </pre> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/1mpZeEg.png" />

AES_Killer_v4.0.java: This variant is for Multi-Level encryption where application is encrypting few request parameters with one key and later on encrypting the whole request body with another key

<pre> - Clone the project and replace the BurpExtender.java with AES_Killer_v4.0.java code - Modify the endpoints and parameters as shown below - Update Secret Keys and other required methods - Build the project and add jar file to your extender </pre> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/JVDhKLX.png" />

NOTE: These variants will not work for you directly due to nature of your request so might need little tweaking.

How to Install

<pre>Download jar file from <a href="https://github.com/Ebryx/AES-Killer/releases/download/3.0/AES_Killer.jar" target="_blank">Release</a> and add in burpsuite</pre> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/6DS04gb.gif" />

Original Request/Response

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/pr8uLv8.gif" />

Getting AES Encryption Key and IV

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/Bwi17Bb.gif" />

Decrypt Request and Response

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/JfrH65u.gif" />

AES Killer with Repeater, Intruder and Scanner

Once we start AES Killer, it takes control of Burp IHttpListener.processHttpMessage which is responsible for handling all outgoing and incoming traffic and AES Killer do the following

So we'll only be getting the Plain Text Response and can play with Plain Text request.

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/MVhBHcS.gif">

Manual Encryption and Decryption

We can also manually encrypt and decrypt strings using AES Killer. Let's take an encrypted string from the request TYROd49FWJjYBfv02oiUzwRQgxWMWiw4W3oCqvNf8h3bnb7X0bobypFzMt797CYU and decrypt it using AES Killer. Similarly, we can perform the encryption too.

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/rjWDACt.gif"> <pre>Download Demo App from <a href="https://github.com/11x256/frida-android-examples/blob/master/examples/5/app-release.apk" target="_blank">here</a></pre>