


Map projection suggestions. projestions = projections + suggestions. Demo.

Provides a simple API for finding map projections appropriate for a particular area.


The results of the API based on the EPSG's CRS data (v9.4) and its "area of use" data (v9.2.1). Both datasets are available to download on the EPSG site. You might be interested in their terms of use.

Prior art

Similar things have been done before:


Check out the demo to see it in action.


GET or POST to https://projest.io/ns/api/


geomGeoJSON feature or feature collection(required) the feature(s) you want to find an appropriate projection for
geojsonboolean(optional) true to return GeoJSON of areas of use, else JSON is returned, default false
maxnumber(optional) maximum number of results to return, default 20
offsetnumber(optional) number of results to skip, default 0
sortstring(optional) how to sort results, hausdorff to sort by the Hausdorff distance or area to sort by the area of use's area, areadiff to sort by the absolute difference between the geometry in geojson and the area of use, default areadiff.
unitsstring(optional) projection units to return, default all


An array of projections with areas of use overlapping with the given geom. If geojson is true, returns GeoJSON of the polygons of the areas of use.


GPLv3. See LICENSE.txt.