


Slashbot makes it easy to create Slack slash commands using AWS Lambda functions. These can be handy for creating a secure way to execute automated tasks, even from a mobile device. Perfect for developing "chatops" type applications.



pip install slashbot [--target=source_directory] (the --target option is used to include your packages in your source folder so they willl be included in your AWS Lambda artifact)


import os
import time
import slashbot

# https://api.slack.com/authentication/verifying-requests-from-slack

# Define a default response
def default(cmd: slashbot.SlashCommand):
    if not cmd.provided_verb: #Nothing beyond the slash command
        return help(cmd)
    return (
        f"This is a default response. `{cmd.provided_verb}` is not a recognized command. \n"
        + help(cmd)

#Handlers take a SlashCommand as input and return text
def help(cmd: slashbot.SlashCommand):
    return f"Here is some helpful text"

def functionnamesdontmatter(cmd: slashbot.SlashCommand):
    return f"Hello {cmd.user_name}"

# Support for multi word verbs
@slashbot.route("good bye")
def good_bye(cmd: slashbot.SlashCommand):
    return f"Good bye {cmd.user_name}"

# An ack is automatically sent to Slack within the required 3 seconds.
# So your function can take up to the duration of a lambda function (15 mins) 
def echowithdelay(cmd):
    return f"Echo {' '.join(cmd.command_args)}"

# acl can be optionally provided (acl can be single user name or array of user names)
@slashbot.route("secure stuff", acl="anybodybutme")
def secure_stuff(_):
    # do some scary stuff limited to specific users
    return ""

def handler(event, context):
    return slashbot.main(event, context)

<img src="images/convo.png" width=400>
