

Ebblink iOS SDK

A library to integrate Ebblink private image sharing capabilities into your iOS app.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

  1. Requirements
  2. Setup
  3. Quick Start
  4. Terms and Conditions



Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'ebblinkSDK', :git => 'https://github.com/ebbapp/ebblinkSDK'

Quick Start

Instantiate Ebblink iOS SDK

To get a token send us email at info@fiveopenbooks.com

The userId is a parameter that identifies a unique user. You can use any string such that the identifier is unique, for example the user email.

+ (void)initWithToken:(NSString*)token andUserId:(NSString*)userId;
Set processing mode

There are two possible processing modes:

+ (void)setProcessingMode:(EBProcessingMode)processingMode;
Upload a new image

+ (void) p3ImageUpload:(UIImage*)image duration:(NSNumber*) duration completion:(void (^)(NSString* imageId, NSString* password, NSString* publicLink, NSString* error))completionBlock;
View shared image

+ (void) p3ImageView:(NSString*)imageId withPassword:(NSString*)password completion:(void (^)(UIImage* image, NSString* error))completionBlock;

Check image status
+ (void) p3ImageStatus:(NSString*)imageId completion:(void (^)(NSDictionary* dictionary, NSString* error))completionBlock;

Delete image shared image
+ (void) p3ImageKill:(NSString*)imageId completion:(void (^)(BOOL success, NSString* error))completionBlock;

Upload an image as a story

A story is an image that is linked to the user and available for only 24h from the moment it is uploaded. The completion block returns an imageId that is needed if one wants to manually delete the image before the 24h.

+ (void) p3ImageStoryUpload:(UIImage*)image completion:(void (^)(NSString* imageId, NSString* error))completionBlock;

View the stories of a user

Calling this method and passing a userId will return in the completion block an EBUserStory object that contains all the available stories from that user.

+ (void) p3UserStoryView:(NSString*)userId completion:(void (^)(EBUserStory *story, NSString* error))completionBlock;;

Terms and Conditions

You can find our terms and conditions in the following url:
