

Shape Drawer

A library for libGDX, an open-source game development application framework written in java.

Draws simple shapes like libGDX's ShapeRenderer does, but uses a Batch to perform the drawing. This means it can be used in between Batch#begin() and Batch#end() without needing to flush the Batch.

Comes with overloaded methods to draw lines, paths, ellipses, regular polygons and rectangles.

Just needs to be provided with a Batch and a TextureRegion. However, note that if you want to draw filled shapes, it is more efficient to use a batch that implements PolygonBatch (eg a PolygonSpriteBatch) instead of a Batch that does not (eg a SpriteBatch).

Gif didn't load - see wiki for images!

Including in Project

To use this in your gradle project, add the version number and jitpack repository information to your root build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    ext {
        shapedrawerVersion = '2.5.0'
    repositories {
	maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

And in your core project add the dependency:

dependencies {
    implementation "space.earlygrey:shapedrawer:$shapedrawerVersion"

For HTML5/GWT support, add the dependency to the html project:

project(":html") {
    apply plugin: "gwt"
    apply plugin: "war"

    dependencies {
        implementation "space.earlygrey:shapedrawer:$shapedrawerVersion:sources"

And add the following line to the GdxDefinition.gwt.xml file in the HTML project:

<inherits name="space.earlygrey.shapedrawer"/>

See the jitpack website for more info.

Alternatively, if you're using gdx-liftoff to create your project you can find shape drawer under the "third-party" tab.


To create a ShapeDrawer instance you just need a Batch and a TextureRegion. Typically this is a single white pixel so that you can easily colour it, and is best packed into an atlas with your other textures.

To instantiate a ShapeDrawer, use:

ShapeDrawer drawer = new ShapeDrawer(batch, region);

And to use it, simply call its drawing methods in between Batch#begin() and Batch#end(). Something like this:

drawer.line(0, 0, 100, 100);

That's it!

Check the wiki for more info, including:

Test application uses the Commodore 64 UI Skin created by Raymond "Raeleus" Buckley under the CC BY license. Check out the others!