



easy to change css variable with only one function:window.replaceVariable, config example: react-starter

how to (3 steps)

const WebpackVariableReplacer = require('webpack-stylesheet-variable-replacer-plugin'); 
module.exports = {
    // ... your plugin
    new WebpackVariableReplacer({
      htmlFileName: 'index.html', // if your application has a html file , It's used for inject javascript file.
      publicPath: webContextRoot, // as you need to inject javascript file , this is path prefix for visite the file for replace variable.
      matchVariables: { // It's a key-value Object , key is only alias for your variable , such as I use 'main' for main color I use in application.
        // notice that value is the original value in your style, not target you want to replace.
        main: '#33ab9a',
        mainHover: '#54b8a7',
window.replaceStyleVariable && window.replaceStyleVariable({main: 'blue',mainHover:'red'});

This step can be called any where (plugin has been injected to the html file ). The arguments need only one which is the stylesheet variable you want to replace to . Such as you want to change main to blue color , your argument will be : '{main:"blue"}',the key for this argument should math your config (step2).

zh-cn (中文说明)


const VariableReplacerPlugin =require('webpack-variable-replacer-plugin');

new VariableReplacerPlugin({matchVariables: {main: '#456789'}})
