


map of the game

This repo contains two things:

It is intended as a proof of concept.


GPTRPG is intended to be run locally. To run:

  1. Make sure you have updated the agent/env.json file with your OpenAI API key.
  2. Only tested with node 16.19.0
  3. In the gptrpg directory run npm install to install dependencies for all projects.
  4. Then run npm start in the root directory. This will start the agent and the front-end. The front-end will be available at http://localhost:3000.

The Environment

Code for the environment lives in the ui-admin directory. It is a React project.

The environment was made with Tiled map editor. The files live in ui-admin/src/assets.

The environment is rendered with Phaser and the Grid Engine Plugin

The environment consists of:

The Agent

Code for the agent lives in the agent directory.

The agent is a simple AI agent that uses the OpenAI API to make decisions. It communicates with the front-end via a websocket.

The agent is provided with a list of possible actions, the state of its surroundings, and its internal state (currently only sleepiness is measured).

Upcoming features


Currently, GPTRPG runs with the gpt-3.5-turbo API.