

YouTubeDrive Banner

YouTubeDrive is a Wolfram Language (aka Mathematica) package that encodes/decodes arbitrary data to/from simple RGB videos which are automatically uploaded to/downloaded from YouTube. Since YouTube imposes no limits on the total number or length of videos users can upload, this provides an effectively infinite but extremely slow form of file storage.

YouTubeDrive depends externally on FFmpeg, youtube-upload, and youtube-dl. These programs must be downloaded and installed separately, and prior to first use, YouTubeDrive must be configured with their install locations. See below for details.

YouTubeDrive is a silly proof-of-concept, and I do not endorse its high-volume use.

Usage Example

Usage Example

NOTE: A short time needs to pass between calls to YouTubeUpload and YouTubeRetrieve for YouTube to process the uploaded video. I find that 5-10 minutes suffices for small (less than 10MB) file uploads.

The video YouTubeDrive produces in this example can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fmm1AeYmbNU.
