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Selecting the most optimal TI methods

This package summarises the results from the dynbenchmark evaluation of trajectory inference methods. Both programmatically and through a (shiny) app, users can select the most optimal set of methods given a set of user and dataset specific parameters.

Installing the app:

# install.packages("devtools")

Running the app:


See dyno for more information on how to use this package to infer and interpret trajectories.

<!-- This gif was recorded using peek (https://github.com/phw/peek) --->


Latest changes

Check out news(package = "dynguidelines") or NEWS.md for a full list of changes.

<!-- This section gets automatically generated from NEWS.md -->

Recent changes in dynguidelines 1.0.1 (29-06-2020)


Minor changes

Recent changes in dynguidelines 1.0 (29-03-2019)

Minor changes