

<!-- [![Dynaconf](docs/img/logo_400.svg?sanitize=true)](http://dynaconf.com) --> <p align="center"><img src="/art/header.png?v2" alt="dynaconf. new logo"></p>

dynaconf - Configuration Management for Python.

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$ pip install dynaconf

Initialize Dynaconf on project root directory

$ cd path/to/your/project/

$ dynaconf init -f toml

āš™ļø  Configuring your Dynaconf environment
šŸ The file `config.py` was generated.

šŸŽ›ļø  settings.toml created to hold your settings.

šŸ”‘ .secrets.toml created to hold your secrets.

šŸ™ˆ the .secrets.* is also included in `.gitignore`
  beware to not push your secrets to a public repo.

šŸŽ‰ Dynaconf is configured! read more on https://dynaconf.com

TIP: You can select toml|yaml|json|ini|py on dynaconf init -f <fileformat> toml is the default and also the most recommended format for configuration.

Dynaconf init creates the following files

ā”œā”€ā”€ config.py       # This is from where you import your settings object (required)
ā”œā”€ā”€ .secrets.toml   # This is to hold sensitive data like passwords and tokens (optional)
ā””ā”€ā”€ settings.toml   # This is to hold your application settings (optional)

On the file config.py Dynaconf init generates the following boilerpate

from dynaconf import Dynaconf

settings = Dynaconf(
    envvar_prefix="DYNACONF",  # export envvars with `export DYNACONF_FOO=bar`.
    settings_files=['settings.yaml', '.secrets.yaml'],  # Load files in the given order.

TIP: You can create the files yourself instead of using the init command as shown above and you can give any name you want instead of the default config.py (the file must be in your importable python path) - See more options that you can pass to Dynaconf class initializer on https://dynaconf.com

Using Dynaconf

Put your settings on settings.{toml|yaml|ini|json|py}

username = "admin"
port = 5555
database = {name='mydb', schema='main'}

Put sensitive information on .secrets.{toml|yaml|ini|json|py}

password = "secret123"

IMPORTANT: dynaconf init command puts the .secrets.* in your .gitignore to avoid it to be exposed on public repos but it is your responsibility to keep it safe in your local environment, also the recommendation for production environments is to use the built-in support for Hashicorp Vault service for password and tokens.

Optionally you can now use environment variables to override values per execution or per environment.

# override `port` from settings.toml file and automatically casts as `int` value.
export DYNACONF_PORT=9900

On your code import the settings object

from path.to.project.config import settings

# Reading the settings

settings.username == "admin"  # dot notation with multi nesting support
settings.PORT == 9900  # case insensitive
settings['password'] == "secret123"  # dict like access
settings.get("nonexisting", "default value")  # Default values just like a dict
settings.databases.name == "mydb"  # Nested key traversing
settings['databases.schema'] == "main"  # Nested key traversing


There is a lot more you can do, read the docs: http://dynaconf.com


Main discussions happens on Discussions Tab learn more about how to get involved on CONTRIBUTING.md guide


If you are looking for something similar to Dynaconf to use in your Rust projects: https://github.com/rubik/hydroconf

And a special thanks to Caneco for the logo.