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GitHub Workflow Status codecov.io contributions welcome HitCount

</div> <!-- ![Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else](http://i.imgur.com/GbTyiib.png) -->

You found us, welcome! <br /> We're currently re-building the App to make it much simpler! <br /> If you want to help us Beta Test our MVP, please see: github.com/dwyl/mvp

Why? Start with Why

We are building an App because no tool we found solves our problems.

More detail in: Product Roadmap > Why Build an App?

<!-- don't know what to do with this ... > “_The **price** of anything is the **amount** of **life** you **exchange for it**._” ~ Henry David Thoreau **Time** (a *finite* amount it) is one of the few things we *all* have in common. Whether we like it or not, we each only have a ***fixed amount***. It is our most precious ***non-renewable*** 'resource'. We need a *much* better way of keeping track of how we spend it. + Watch: **How Will You *Measure* Your Life?** http://youtu.be/tvos4nORf_Y and **Protecting People’s Time**: https://ecorner.stanford.edu/clips/protecting-peoples-time + Read ***Time is More Valuable Than Money***: https://ecorner.stanford.edu/articles/time-is-more-valuable-than-money/ -->


A simple way to organize your life/work and track activities over time so that you focus on what matters and don't get distracted by what doesn't.

More detail in our Product Roadmap > What Problem Are We Solving?.

How? contributions welcome

We are using Flutter to develop our application, both for browser and mobile devices. If you are new to Flutter, we recommend you reading dwyl/learn-flutter for a primer. Similarly, it is suggested to follow along dwyl/flutter-bloc-tutorial to better understand BLoC, the app's main state management system.

Help us build this! Your feedback is very welcome: dwyl/app/issues

Clone & Run the App Locally

git clone https://github.com/dwyl/app.git && cd app

Install the Dependencies

flutter upgrade
flutter pub get
flutter run
<!-- ### _Required_ Environment Variables The server will *not* work unless these environment variables are set. We _recommend_ you create a file called `.env` Run the following command to set up your local machine: ```sh export DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:@localhost/dwyl export JWT_SECRET=https://git.io/vaN7A ``` See [**.travis.yml**](https://github.com/ideaq/time/blob/master/.travis.yml) for [Continuous integration](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration) settings. ### _Create_ PostgreSQL Database To run this app you will need to have ***PostgreSQL Installed and Running*** on your local machine ***before*** you attempt to run this example. > see: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Detailed_installation_guides ### No Registration Required Try without registering: https://github.com/ideaq/time/issues/58 ## API Our core objective is build a ***Great API*** from day one. #### Curious About APIs? > Here's some research/notes: https://github.com/nelsonic/learn-api-design ### Sketch This is the ***sketch*** I did ages ago: ![time app sketch](https://raw.github.com/nelsonic/nelsonic.github.io/master/img/time-app-sketch.jpeg) -->