

Digital Ocean Logo

A quick guide to getting a DigitalOcean account and launching your first Droplet (VM) with a simple Node.js APP.


Because AWS is so last week.

(No, seriously, have you ever tried asking AWS support a question? Unless you are paying them tens of thousands of dollars a month and have a "support agreement" your questions just go into their ticket system to be forgotten... DigitalOcean not only have a great platform, they have a great set of resources and a team of people on Twitter ready to answer any question.)

Real Reasons:


DigitalOcean is a virtual private server provider with a difference: they have dramatically simplified the process.

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How ?

Create Account

Visit: https://www.digitalocean.com and Create Account

Enter your billing info (credit card):

digital ocean billing

Add your SSH Key

If you want to access your VM without having to remember (or copy-paste) a password, you will need to follow the instructions to add your SSH keys before creating your "Droplet" (VM).

DigitalOcean Add SSH Keys

Create your First "Droplet" (Virtual Machine)

Pick the cheapest VM and which ever region is closest to you. (to reduce code/file upload time and web latency)

Create Droplet part 1

Next, select your desired Operating System. (For simplicity we are choosing Ubuntu this time)

Create Droplet part 2

Finally, add your SSH key to the droplet and Click: Create Droplet!

Watch as DigitalOcean starts up your VM:

Digital Ocean booting

Once this is started you should now see an overview of your VM:

Digital Ocean overview

Locate the IP Address of your VM and copy it into your clip-board

Open your terminal application and login via SSH:

Digital Ocean Login SSH

Now (while logged into the VM via SSH) run the following commands (in order) in your terminal:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y git nodejs node npm
npm install n -g
n stable
git clone https://github.com/nelsonic/ac.git
cd ac
npm install
nodejs example/server.js

Now visit: IP-Address-of-Your-VM:Port-number e.g:

Type a word and watch it auto-suggest!
