Tensorflow and numpy implementations of the HMM viterbi and forward/backward algorithms.
See Keras example for an example of how to use the Keras HMMLayer.
See for usage examples. Here is an excerpt of the documentation from for reference for now.
See also which replicates the viterbi example on wikipedia.
class HMM(object):
A class for Hidden Markov Models.
The model attributes are:
- K :: the number of states
- P :: the K by K transition matrix (from state i to state j,
(i, j) in [1..K])
- p0 :: the initial distribution (defaults to starting in state 0)
def __init__(self, P, p0=None):
class HMMTensorflow(HMM):
def forward_backward(self, y):
runs forward backward algorithm on state probabilities y
y : np.array : shape (T, K) where T is number of timesteps and
K is the number of states
(posterior, forward, backward)
posterior : list of length T of tensorflow graph nodes representing
the posterior probability of each state at each time step
forward : list of length T of tensorflow graph nodes representing
the forward probability of each state at each time step
backward : list of length T of tensorflow graph nodes representing
the backward probability of each state at each time step
def viterbi_decode(self, y, nT):
Runs viterbi decode on state probabilies y.
y : np.array : shape (T, K) where T is number of timesteps and
K is the number of states
nT : int : number of timesteps in y
(s, pathScores)
s : list of length T of tensorflow ints : represents the most likely
state at each time step.
pathScores : list of length T of tensorflow tensor of length K
each value at (t, k) is the log likliehood score in state k at
time t. sum(pathScores[t, :]) will not necessary == 1