


npm version build status

This addon formats Ember objects so that you can see their type and internal state at a glance. No more typing .get() into your console!

<img width="1027" alt="x" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/752885/27756654-3d8bce82-5dae-11e7-842a-b1a1700772d8.png">


  1. Install the addon:

    ember install ember-chrome-devtools

    (it will not affect your production build)

  2. Enable custom formatters in DevTools Settings:

<a href="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/752885/27756509-07f57922-5dad-11e7-9361-ba2c15abba37.png" target="_blank"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/752885/27756509-07f57922-5dad-11e7-9361-ba2c15abba37.png" width="600" alt="Enable custom formatters"> </a>


Running Tests


Debugging the debugger

It can be helpful to inspect the html created by the formatters. Fortunately you can debug DevTools using a second DevTools instance.

  1. Hit Cmd-Alt-I to open DevTools

  2. Split DevTools in its own window using the first "Dock side" option:

    <img width="241" alt="screen shot 2017-06-30 at 4 30 50 pm" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/752885/27757014-916a373e-5db1-11e7-97a4-383a972743ce.png">
  3. With DevTools focused, hit Cmd-Alt-I to open a second DevTools