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Dwains Lovelace Theme

Hello, I am Dwain. I'm using Home Assistant for over 1 year now. At the end of the summer 2019 I thought why does nobody has made a theme which builds automatic by a configuration file. I have a own web development company so I thought why not make a own theme and release it to the public. The result: Dwains Lovelace Theme.

Have a feature request?

Open an issue on GitHub with the title  FR  or  Feature Request


You can use the thread on the Home Assistant community to ask any questions you have.

Or join me on Slack!

English Speaking Slack

Dutch Speaking Slack

I manage this Slack channels together with @jimz011 you can also check out his theme Homekit Infused (HKI) it has a lot of same features as Dwains Theme.

YouTube Channel

If you like you can subscribe on my Home Assistant YouTube channel I will soon start posting some more videos there.

Like what you see?

If you appreciate what I have made you can Buy me a coffee/beer or donate to my PayPal account. You can also post a reply in this HA thread with how happy you are. :crazy_face:

