


Dviros's notes:

Windows Remote Post Breach Tool via Telegram (Python 2.7), Originally created by <a href="http://github.com/Ritiek">Ritiek</a>, Forked and modified by <a href="http://github.com/mvrozanti">mvrozanti</a> and then myself.

The whole purpose of this tool is to demonstrate (as a "PoC") the control of an already breached machine, via Telegram. As the same with my already written tools, I do not promote illegal activities.

This modified version uses Telegram bot API v2, instead of the traditional v1. The main change is keyboard buttons instead of text typing. I will try to add new features, close bugs and be compatible to the API v3, after adding the needed changes from "mvrozanti". In the meanwhile, cd, download, upload, run and delete commands will not work.

Donations will be highly appreciated

Monero Donation

Currently Working Features:

Ritiek's legacy notes:

Why another one?


<img src="http://i.imgur.com/I5nzrbz.jpg">

Installation & Usage:


How To Compile:


Replace your path in compileAndRun.bat (running this will actually run the executable)


Run `pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole C:\path\to\RATAttack.py`. You can also pass `--icon=<path\to\icon.ico>` to use any custom icon.

Modifying Settings:


The MIT License