

transfer.sh Go Report Card Docker pulls Build Status

Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line. This code contains the server with everything you need to create your own instance.

Transfer.sh currently supports the s3 (Amazon S3), gdrive (Google Drive), storj (Storj) providers, and local file system (local).


The service at transfersh.com is of unknown origin and reported as cloud malware.



$ curl -v --upload-file ./hello.txt https://transfer.sh/hello.txt

Encrypt & Upload:

$ gpg --armor --symmetric --output - /tmp/hello.txt | curl --upload-file - https://transfer.sh/test.txt

Download & Decrypt:

$ curl https://transfer.sh/1lDau/test.txt | gpg --decrypt --output /tmp/hello.txt

Upload to Virustotal:

$ curl -X PUT --upload-file nhgbhhj https://transfer.sh/test.txt/virustotal


$ curl -X DELETE <X-Url-Delete Response Header URL>

Request Headers


$ curl --upload-file ./hello.txt https://transfer.sh/hello.txt -H "Max-Downloads: 1" # Limit the number of downloads


$ curl --upload-file ./hello.txt https://transfer.sh/hello.txt -H "Max-Days: 1" # Set the number of days before deletion


Beware, use this feature only on your self-hosted server: trusting a third-party service for server side encryption is at your own risk

$ curl --upload-file ./hello.txt https://your-transfersh-instance.tld/hello.txt -H "X-Encrypt-Password: test" # Encrypt the content sever side with AES265 using "test" as password


Beware, use this feature only on your self-hosted server: trusting a third-party service for server side encryption is at your own risk

$ curl https://your-transfersh-instance.tld/BAYh0/hello.txt -H "X-Decrypt-Password: test" # Decrypt the content sever side with AES265 using "test" as password

Response Headers


The URL used to request the deletion of a file and returned as a response header.

curl -sD - --upload-file ./hello.txt https://transfer.sh/hello.txt | grep -i -E 'transfer\.sh|x-url-delete'
x-url-delete: https://transfer.sh/hello.txt/BAYh0/hello.txt/PDw0NHPcqU


See good usage examples on examples.md

Link aliases

Create direct download link:

https://transfer.sh/1lDau/test.txt --> https://transfer.sh/get/1lDau/test.txt

Inline file:

https://transfer.sh/1lDau/test.txt --> https://transfer.sh/inline/1lDau/test.txt


listenerport to use for http (:80)LISTENER
profile-listenerport to use for profiler (:6060)PROFILE_LISTENER
force-httpsredirect to httpsfalseFORCE_HTTPS
tls-listenerport to use for https (:443)TLS_LISTENER
tls-listener-onlyflag to enable tls listener onlyTLS_LISTENER_ONLY
tls-cert-filepath to tls certificateTLS_CERT_FILE
tls-private-keypath to tls private keyTLS_PRIVATE_KEY
http-auth-useruser for basic http auth on uploadHTTP_AUTH_USER
http-auth-passpass for basic http auth on uploadHTTP_AUTH_PASS
http-auth-htpasswdhtpasswd file path for basic http auth on uploadHTTP_AUTH_HTPASSWD
http-auth-ip-whitelistcomma separated list of ips allowed to upload without being challenged an http authHTTP_AUTH_IP_WHITELIST
ip-whitelistcomma separated list of ips allowed to connect to the serviceIP_WHITELIST
ip-blacklistcomma separated list of ips not allowed to connect to the serviceIP_BLACKLIST
temp-pathpath to temp foldersystem tempTEMP_PATH
web-pathpath to static web files (for development or custom front end)WEB_PATH
proxy-pathpath prefix when service is run behind a proxyPROXY_PATH
proxy-portport of the proxy when the service is run behind a proxyPROXY_PORT
email-contactemail contact for the front endEMAIL_CONTACT
ga-keygoogle analytics key for the front endGA_KEY
providerwhich storage provider to use(s3, storj, gdrive or local)
uservoice-keyuser voice key for the front endUSERVOICE_KEY
aws-access-keyaws access keyAWS_ACCESS_KEY
aws-secret-keyaws access keyAWS_SECRET_KEY
bucketaws bucketBUCKET
s3-endpointCustom S3 endpoint.S3_ENDPOINT
s3-regionregion of the s3 bucketeu-west-1S3_REGION
s3-no-multipartdisables s3 multipart uploadfalseS3_NO_MULTIPART
s3-path-styleForces path style URLs, required for Minio.falseS3_PATH_STYLE
storj-accessAccess for the projectSTORJ_ACCESS
storj-bucketBucket to use within the projectSTORJ_BUCKET
basedirpath storage for local/gdrive providerBASEDIR
gdrive-client-json-filepathpath to oauth client json config for gdrive providerGDRIVE_CLIENT_JSON_FILEPATH
gdrive-local-config-pathpath to store local transfer.sh config cache for gdrive providerGDRIVE_LOCAL_CONFIG_PATH
gdrive-chunk-sizechunk size for gdrive upload in megabytes, must be lower than available memory (8 MB)GDRIVE_CHUNK_SIZE
lets-encrypt-hostshosts to use for lets encrypt certificates (comma seperated)HOSTS
logpath to log fileLOG
cors-domainscomma separated list of domains for CORS, setting it enable CORSCORS_DOMAINS
clamav-hosthost for clamav featureCLAMAV_HOST
perform-clamav-prescanprescan every upload through clamav feature (clamav-host must be a local clamd unix socket)PERFORM_CLAMAV_PRESCAN
rate-limitrequest per minuteRATE_LIMIT
max-upload-sizemax upload size in kilobytesMAX_UPLOAD_SIZE
purge-daysnumber of days after the uploads are purged automaticallyPURGE_DAYS
purge-intervalinterval in hours to run the automatic purge for (not applicable to S3 and Storj)PURGE_INTERVAL
random-token-lengthlength of the random token for the upload path (double the size for delete path)6RANDOM_TOKEN_LENGTH

If you want to use TLS using lets encrypt certificates, set lets-encrypt-hosts to your domain, set tls-listener to :443 and enable force-https.

If you want to use TLS using your own certificates, set tls-listener to :443, force-https, tls-cert-file and tls-private-key.


Switched to GO111MODULE

go run main.go --provider=local --listener :8080 --temp-path=/tmp/ --basedir=/tmp/


$ git clone git@github.com:dutchcoders/transfer.sh.git
$ cd transfer.sh
$ go build -o transfersh main.go


For easy deployment, we've created an official Docker container. There are two variants, differing only by which user runs the process.

The default one will run as root:

docker run --publish 8080:8080 dutchcoders/transfer.sh:latest --provider local --basedir /tmp/

The one tagged with the suffix -noroot will use 5000 as both UID and GID:

docker run --publish 8080:8080 dutchcoders/transfer.sh:latest-noroot --provider local --basedir /tmp/

Building the Container

You can also build the container yourself. This allows you to choose which UID/GID will be used, e.g. when using NFS mounts:

# Build arguments:
# * RUNAS: If empty, the container will run as root.
#          Set this to anything to enable UID/GID selection.
# * PUID:  UID of the process. Needs RUNAS != "". Defaults to 5000.
# * PGID:  GID of the process. Needs RUNAS != "". Defaults to 5000.

docker build -t transfer.sh-noroot --build-arg RUNAS=doesntmatter --build-arg PUID=1337 --build-arg PGID=1338 .

S3 Usage

For the usage with a AWS S3 Bucket, you just need to specify the following options:

If you specify the s3-region, you don't need to set the endpoint URL since the correct endpoint will used automatically.

Custom S3 providers

To use a custom non-AWS S3 provider, you need to specify the endpoint as defined from your cloud provider.

Storj Network Provider

To use the Storj Network as a storage provider you need to specify the following flags:

Creating Bucket and Scope

You need to create an access grant (or copy it from the uplink configuration) and a bucket in preparation.

To get started, log in to your account and go to the Access Grant Menu and start the Wizard on the upper right.

Enter your access grant name of choice, hit Next and restrict it as necessary/preferred. Afterwards continue either in CLI or within the Browser. Next, you'll be asked for a Passphrase used as Encryption Key. Make sure to save it in a safe place. Without it, you will lose the ability to decrypt your files!

Afterwards, you can copy the access grant and then start the startup of the transfer.sh endpoint. It is recommended to provide both the access grant and the bucket name as ENV Variables for enhanced security.


transfer.sh --provider storj

Google Drive Usage

For the usage with Google drive, you need to specify the following options:

Creating Gdrive Client Json

You need to create an OAuth Client id from console.cloud.google.com, download the file, and place it into a safe directory.

Usage example

go run main.go --provider gdrive --basedir /tmp/ --gdrive-client-json-filepath /[credential_dir] --gdrive-local-config-path [directory_to_save_config]

Shell functions

Bash, ash and zsh (multiple files uploaded as zip archive)

Add this to .bashrc or .zshrc or its equivalent
transfer() (if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then printf "No arguments specified.\nUsage:\n transfer <file|directory>\n ... | transfer <file_name>\n">&2; return 1; fi; file_name=$(basename "$1"); if [ -t 0 ]; then file="$1"; if [ ! -e "$file" ]; then echo "$file: No such file or directory">&2; return 1; fi; if [ -d "$file" ]; then cd "$file" || return 1; file_name="$file_name.zip"; set -- zip -r -q - .; else set -- cat "$file"; fi; else set -- cat; fi; url=$("$@" | curl --silent --show-error --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "https://transfer.sh/$file_name"); echo "$url"; )

Now you can use transfer function

$ transfer hello.txt

Bash and zsh (with delete url, delete token output and prompt before uploading)

Add this to .bashrc or .zshrc or its equivalent
    local file
    declare -a file_array

    if [[ "${file_array[@]}" == "" || "${1}" == "--help" || "${1}" == "-h" ]]
        echo "${0} - Upload arbitrary files to \"transfer.sh\"."
        echo ""
        echo "Usage: ${0} [options] [<file>]..."
        echo ""
        echo "OPTIONS:"
        echo "  -h, --help"
        echo "      show this message"
        echo ""
        echo "EXAMPLES:"
        echo "  Upload a single file from the current working directory:"
        echo "      ${0} \"image.img\""
        echo ""
        echo "  Upload multiple files from the current working directory:"
        echo "      ${0} \"image.img\" \"image2.img\""
        echo ""
        echo "  Upload a file from a different directory:"
        echo "      ${0} \"/tmp/some_file\""
        echo ""
        echo "  Upload all files from the current working directory. Be aware of the webserver's rate limiting!:"
        echo "      ${0} *"
        echo ""
        echo "  Upload a single file from the current working directory and filter out the delete token and download link:"
        echo "      ${0} \"image.img\" | awk --field-separator=\": \" '/Delete token:/ { print \$2 } /Download link:/ { print \$2 }'"
        echo ""
        echo "  Show help text from \"transfer.sh\":"
        echo "      curl --request GET \"https://transfer.sh\""
        return 0
        for file in "${file_array[@]}"
            if [[ ! -f "${file}" ]]
                echo -e "\e[01;31m'${file}' could not be found or is not a file.\e[0m" >&2
                return 1
        unset file

    local upload_files
    local curl_output
    local awk_output

    du -c -k -L "${file_array[@]}" >&2
    # be compatible with "bash"
    if [[ "${ZSH_NAME}" == "zsh" ]]
        read $'upload_files?\e[01;31mDo you really want to upload the above files ('"${#file_array[@]}"$') to "transfer.sh"? (Y/n): \e[0m'
    elif [[ "${BASH}" == *"bash"* ]]
        read -p $'\e[01;31mDo you really want to upload the above files ('"${#file_array[@]}"$') to "transfer.sh"? (Y/n): \e[0m' upload_files

    case "${upload_files:-y}" in
            # for the sake of the progress bar, execute "curl" for each file.
            # the parameters "--include" and "--form" will suppress the progress bar.
            for file in "${file_array[@]}"
                # show delete link and filter out the delete token from the response header after upload.
                # it is important to save "curl's" "stdout" via a subshell to a variable or redirect it to another command,
                # which just redirects to "stdout" in order to have a sane output afterwards.
                # the progress bar is redirected to "stderr" and is only displayed,
                # if "stdout" is redirected to something; e.g. ">/dev/null", "tee /dev/null" or "| <some_command>".
                # the response header is redirected to "stdout", so redirecting "stdout" to "/dev/null" does not make any sense.
                # redirecting "curl's" "stderr" to "stdout" ("2>&1") will suppress the progress bar.
                curl_output=$(curl --request PUT --progress-bar --dump-header - --upload-file "${file}" "https://transfer.sh/")
                awk_output=$(awk \
                    'gsub("\r", "", $0) && tolower($1) ~ /x-url-delete/ \
                        print "Delete command: curl --request DELETE " "\""delete_link"\"";

                        gsub(".*/", "", delete_link);
                        print "Delete token: " delete_token;

                        print "Download link: " $0;
                    }' <<< "${curl_output}")

                # return the results via "stdout", "awk" does not do this for some reason.
                echo -e "${awk_output}\n"

                # avoid rate limiting as much as possible; nginx: too many requests.
                if (( ${#file_array[@]} > 4 ))
                    sleep 5

            return 1

            echo -e "\e[01;31mWrong input: '${upload_files}'.\e[0m" >&2
            return 1

Sample output

$ ls -lh
total 20M
-rw-r--r-- 1 <some_username> <some_username> 10M Apr  4 21:08 image.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 <some_username> <some_username> 10M Apr  4 21:08 image2.img
$ transfer image*
10240K  image2.img
10240K  image.img
20480K  total
Do you really want to upload the above files (2) to "transfer.sh"? (Y/n):
######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## 100.0%
Delete command: curl --request DELETE "https://transfer.sh/wJw9pz/image2.img/mSctGx7pYCId"
Delete token: mSctGx7pYCId
Download link: https://transfer.sh/wJw9pz/image2.img

######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## 100.0%
Delete command: curl --request DELETE "https://transfer.sh/ljJc5I/image.img/nw7qaoiKUwCU"
Delete token: nw7qaoiKUwCU
Download link: https://transfer.sh/ljJc5I/image.img

$ transfer "image.img" | awk --field-separator=": " '/Delete token:/ { print $2 } /Download link:/ { print $2 }'
10240K  image.img
10240K  total
Do you really want to upload the above files (1) to "transfer.sh"? (Y/n):
######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## 100.0%


Contributions are welcome.


Remco Verhoef

Uvis Grinfelds


Andrea Spacca

Stefan Benten

Copyright and License

Code and documentation copyright 2011-2018 Remco Verhoef. Code and documentation copyright 2018-2020 Andrea Spacca. Code and documentation copyright 2020- Andrea Spacca and Stefan Benten.

Code released under the MIT license.