

Liz: Lisp-flavored general-purpose programming language (based on Zig)

Borrowing Zig's tagline:

General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.

Why is Zig an interesting choice as a lower-level language for Clojure programmers? (compared to Rust, Go or other languages):

Status: Experimental, but proving itself on a few projects.


Hello World:

;; hello.liz
(const print (.. (@import "std") -debug -print))

(defn ^void main []
  (print "Hello, world!\n" []))

It will get translated into:

const print = @import("std").debug.print;
pub fn main() void {
    print("Hello, world!\n", .{});

Run with:

$ liz hello.liz && zig run hello.zig
Hello, world!

FizzBuzz example:

(const print (.. (@import "std") -debug -print))

(defn ^void main []
  (var ^usize i 1)
  (while-step (<= i 100) (inc! i)
      (zero? (mod i 15)) (print "FizzBuzz\n" [])
      (zero? (mod i 3)) (print "Fizz\n" [])
      (zero? (mod i 5)) (print "Buzz\n" [])
      :else (print "{}\n" [i]))))

See also:


Read the work in progress language guide.
To see how a form is used you can also take a look at samples adapted from Zig docs.


Download Liz and Zig. To compile files from Liz to Zig pass them as parameters:

liz file1.liz file2.liz
# file1.zig and file2.zig will be created

Then use zig run or zig build-exe on the generated .zig files.

Alternatively you can use the JAR:

java -jar liz.jar file1.liz file2.liz

Extension and Syntax highlighting

Use .liz file extension. It works pretty well to use Clojure syntax highlighting, add -*- clojure -*- metadata to the source file for Github and text editors to apply highlighting.

;; -*- clojure -*-

Design principles




Get the source:

git clone https://github.com/dundalek/liz.git
cd liz

Build platform independent uberjar:


Build the native binary (requires GraalVM):

# If you don't have native-image on PATH then you need to specify GRAALVM_HOME
export GRAALVM_HOME=/your/path/to/graal

Use Clojure CLI:

clj -M -m liz.main file1.liz file2.liz

Run tests:

clj -Mtest