


🦄 E25DX

Your next documentation theme...


🌱 Inspiration

✅ Features

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Install Hugo.

  2. Create a new Hugo site with the E25DX theme.

    1. Foundation

      hugo new site newsite
      cd newsite
      git init
      git submodule add https://github.com/dumindu/E25DX.git themes/E25DX
      rm hugo.toml && cp themes/E25DX/hugo.yaml .
      cp themes/E25DX/static/sw.js ./static/
      cp themes/E25DX/static/manifest.json ./static/

      💡 We don't need generated archetypes, assets, i18n, layouts folders in the newsite folder

    2. Configuration

      • newsite/hugo.yaml
        • languages: en:title and en:description
        • params: project, author and home
      • newsite/static/sw.js
        • cacheName prefix: ex. todo-
      • newsite/static/manifest.json
        • name, short_name, description
    3. Sample content and sidebar

      • add newsite/content/en/docs/_overview.md for overview
        title: Overview
        url: "docs/overview"
        - "/docs"
      • add newsite/content/en/docs/a1.hello-world.md as the first page of first section
        title: Hello World
        slug: hello-world
      • add newsite/content/en/docs/b1.modules.md as the first page of second section
        title: Modules
        slug: modules
      • add newsite/data/en/docs/sidebar.yml for section titles and page titles
        - title: Documentation
            - title: Overview
        - title: Basics
            - title: Hello World
        - title: Beyond The Basics
            - title: Modules
    4. Run hugo server

      💡 Change newsite/hugo.yaml -> enableGitInfo: false, if you want to run hugo server before commit the changes.