


Pluggable antivirus service for Ruby applications.

Gem Version Build Status


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ddr-antivirus'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ddr-antivirus


require "ddr-antivirus"

result = Ddr::Antivirus.scan(path)

Ddr::Antivirus.scanner do |scanner|
  result = scanner.scan(path)


All exceptions under the Ddr::Antivirus namespace.

Error - Parent exception class.

VirusFoundError - A virus was found. The message includes the original output from the scanner.

ScannerError - The scanner encountered an error (e.g., error exit status).


> require 'ddr/antivirus'
 => true
> Ddr::Antivirus.scanner_adapter = :clamd
 => :clamd

> result = Ddr::Antivirus.scan "/path/to/image.jpg"
 => #<Ddr::Antivirus::ScanResult:0x007f98f8b95670 @file_path="/path/to/image.jpg", @output="/path/to/image.jpg: OK\n\n----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------\nInfected files: 0\nTime: 0.001 sec (0 m 0 s)\n", @scanned_at=2015-09-11 20:41:17 UTC, @version="ClamAV 0.98.7/20903/Fri Sep 11 08:42:07 2015">

> result.version
 => "ClamAV 0.98.7/20903/Fri Sep 11 08:42:07 2015"

> result.scanned_at
 => 2015-09-11 20:41:17 UTC

> result.output
 => "/path/to/image.jpg: OK\n\n----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------\nInfected files: 0\nTime: 0.001 sec (0 m 0 s)\n"

> puts result.to_s
/path/to/image.jpg: OK

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Infected files: 0
Time: 0.001 sec (0 m 0 s)

[ClamAV 0.98.7/20903/Fri Sep 11 08:42:07 2015]


In a Rails application, Ddr::Antivirus will log messages to the Rails logger by default. The fallback logger writes to STDERR. You may also explicitly set Ddr::Antivirus.logger to any object that supports the Ruby logger API:

require "logger"
Ddr::Antivirus.logger = Logger.new("/path/to/custom.log")

The NullScannerAdapter

In order to avoid the overhead of ClamAV in test and/or development environments, the package provides a no-op adapter:

>> Ddr::Antivirus.scanner_adapter = :null
=> :null
>> Ddr::Antivirus::Scanner.scan("/path/to/blue-devil.png")
=> #<Ddr::Antivirus::NullScanResult:0x007f9e2ba1af38 @output="/path/to/blue-devil.png: NOT SCANNED - using :null scanner adapter.", @file_path="/path/to/blue-devil.png", @scanned_at=2014-11-07 20:58:17 UTC, @version="ddr-antivirus 1.2.0">

Test Mode

To easily configure Ddr::Antivirus to use the NullScannerAdapter and log to the null device, turn on test mode:



  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/ddr-antivirus/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request