

<img width="300" align="right" alt="cerebro-todoist logo" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/77246331/174854937-535dccc9-6d27-4bf8-927f-f4e664ca0a0f.png"/>

cerebro-todoist   npm download number

Cerebro plugin to create and manage Todoist tasks.

⚠️ Cerebro-Todoist is an extension that IS NOT created by, affiliated with, or supported by @Doist


<p align="center"> <img width="600" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/77246331/169042136-e94d61a0-9bac-4992-80f3-0c62396a616d.png" </p>


Available commands

😎 You can search between tasks just by typing ➡️ tds today milk - Filters the tasks and returns the ones that have "milk" in their name (same with tds view 12/10 & search:milk)

⚡ Due to performance issues and API restrictions, project names will only appear if the number of matching tasks is less than 10

💡 You can configure the command names in the plugin settings page ➡️ plugins todoist settings

Not seeing the settings option in Cerebro-Todoist?

It it possible that you have downloaded an outdated CerebroApp version. You can check your CerebroApp version by typing version. If your CerebroAp version is 0.3.1 or lower, check the official releases page and download a more updated version for your computer (at least 0.3.2).

Need Support?

You can open an issue in this repository or contact me by email


Development and Contributions


Privacy Policy

No user data is collected. Once you install the plugin it makes requests directly to the Todoist API and the responses are sent directly to your computer. Just simple, fast and private.


MIT © David Jiménez