


ClojureScript + Zelkova + Virtual Dom + "The Elm Pattern" = Sane Javascript!

Uses stch-html for representing HTML in ClojureScript.



[com.2tothe8th/dominator "0.4.0"]

Note: You will need to download the compiled vdom.js file to your project directory and reference it in your HTML file.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dubiousdavid/dominator/master/vdom.js

You will also need to add :externs ["dominator.js"] to the compiler options map if using advanced compilation.

Sample programs

  1. Counter (source)
  2. Wikipedia (source)
  3. Mario (source)

API Documentation


Example Usage


In the example below there is a single signal actions that all events are put onto. The sig/reductions function acts like an unending reduce over the actions signal. reductions takes a pure function, an initial value, and a signal, and produces a signal. update-model takes the existing model, the "action" (value from the signal), and returns a new model. The view function is mapped over each value from the model signal. This function returns a representation of the markup. Finally the markup signal and root element are passed to render, which patches the DOM with each value from the signal (uses requestAnimationFrame under the hood).

(ns dominator.counter
  (:require [dominator.core :refer [render]]
            [stch.html :refer [div table tr td input]]
            [cljs.core.async :as async :refer [<!]]
            [dominator.async :as as :refer-macros [forever]]
            [dominator.test.util :as util]
            [jamesmacaulay.zelkova.signal :as sig]
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.match.macros :refer [match]]))


(def people ["Billy" "Bobby" "Joey"])
(def actions (sig/write-port :no-op))

(defn view [model]
        (for [person people]
            (input :type "button" :value person
                   :onclick (as/send actions [:clicked person])))))
        (for [person people]
            (input :type "text" :readonly true :value (get model person))))))
    (div :id "button-row"
      (input :type "button" :value "Reset"
             :onclick (as/send actions :reset)))))

(def empty-model
  {"Billy" 0
   "Bobby" 0
   "Joey" 0})

(def initial-model
  (or (util/get-storage "clicks") empty-model))

(defn update-model [model action]
  (match action
    :no-op model
    :reset empty-model
    [:clicked n] (update-in model [n] inc)))

(def model (sig/reductions update-model initial-model actions))
(def modelc (sig/to-chan model))

(render (sig/map view model) js/document.body)

  (let [m (<! modelc)]
    (util/set-storage "clicks" m)))

Wikipedia search example

Below is a slightly more complicated example where we have two signals, one for actions and one for queries.

(ns dominator.wiki
  (:require [dominator.core :refer [render]]
            [stch.html :refer [div input ul li]]
            [cljs.core.async :as async :refer [<! >!]]
            [dominator.async :as as :refer-macros [forever]]
            [dominator.test.util :as util]
            [clojure.string :as string]
            [jamesmacaulay.zelkova.signal :as sig]
            [jamesmacaulay.zelkova.time :as time])
  (:require-macros [cljs.core.match.macros :refer [match]]))


(def wikipedia-endpoint

(defn wikipedia [search]
  (str wikipedia-endpoint search))

(def query (sig/write-port ""))
(def actions (sig/write-port :no-op))

(defn view [results]
    (input :placeholder "Search Wikipedia!"
           :oninput #(async/put! query (-> % util/target-value string/trim)))
      (for [result results]
        (li result)))))

(def empty-model [])

(defn update-model [model action]
  (match action
    :no-op model
    [:results results] results))

(def queries
  (->> query
       (time/debounce 150)
       (sig/drop-if string/blank?)
       (sig/map wikipedia)

  (let [q (<! queries)]
    (let [result (<! (util/jsonp q))]
      (>! actions [:results (second result)]))))

(def model (sig/reductions update-model empty-model actions))

(render (sig/map view model) js/document.body)