

DTube Embed Player

This is the main video player of d.tube. It is hosted directly on github pages for simplicity. You can pass options to the player through the url hash fragment:

The syntax is as follow /#!/author/permlink/autoplay/branding

There are also two optional arguments which can be attached to the url if needed:



https://emb.d.tube/#!/elsiekjay/QmQXCBVvVn6WRCuxV3K2FoYLX6F98TvWYPorJEdEyz7VPr/true -> will autoplay and keep dtube branding

Autoplay is not always going to happen. It depends on the media engagement, see chrome://media-engagement

https://emb.d.tube/#!/elsiekjay/QmQXCBVvVn6WRCuxV3K2FoYLX6F98TvWYPorJEdEyz7VPr/true/false/default/loop=true -> will autoplay, keep dtube branding and also loop at the end, whilest using the recommended provider

Supported Providers



Additional Options

looptrue / falseMakes the video loop at the end. Currently not supported for: Twitch, Dailymotion, Instagram, LiveLeak and Facebook

JavaScript API

The embedded player can be controlled using JavaScript in compliance with the Player.js specification. You can use Player.js as a library to control the player.

Simply load the Player.js library:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.embed.ly/player-0.1.0.min.js"></script>

After this you can initialize the library using the ID of the iframe:

const player = new playerjs.Player('your-iframe');

You can then call a variety of methods suchs as player.play() or player.setVolume(20).

For a full list of methods see: https://github.com/embedly/player.js#methods

For a full list of events see: https://github.com/embedly/player.js#events