

clj-re - clojure style regular expression functions

This package wraps cl-ppcre's regexp handling, which is nearly identical to java.util.regex.Pattern which in turn is used by Clojure, in a series of regexp supporting functions that attempt to behave like their Clojure namesakes.

It provides the following functions:

#:re-quote-replacement           ;clojure.string/re-quote-replacement
#:re-replace                     ;clojure.string/replace, distinct from clojure.core/replace
#:re-replace-first               ;clojure.string/replace-first
#:re-split                       ;clojure.string/split

Successfully tested on sbcl and clisp.

Differences from Clojure

clojure.string namespace functions

Clojure has several functions which are normally in the clojure.string namespace that do not reside in separate Common Lisp packages (they're all in the :clj-re). Following are the clojure.string functions and what we have called them here:

We could have left replace-first alone, but with every other exported symbol in this package prefixed with 're', it seemed like the consistent thing to do.

Optional support for clojure pattern literal syntax, i.e. #"pattern"

Using :named-readtables http://melisgl.github.io/named-readtables, the :clj-re pacakge exports readtable and readtable-mixin readtables that will return compiled cl-ppcre patterns when the pattern literal syntax is used.

In order to make the literal use optional, where clojure functions would require a Pattern object, you are free to use a string expressing a pattern, which will in turn be fed to re-pattern to obtain a pattern. This is hopefully a superset-compatible feature compare to clojure, but if you wanted clojure's exceptions on invalid arguments or types you won't get them here.

You can enable pattern literal syntax either by:

(named-readtables:in-readtable clj-re:readtable)

which augments the standard readtable with a dispatch function for #"" literals, or by using named readtable composition capabilities (e.g. merge or fuse) with clj-re:readtable-mixin, which contains only the dispatch function for pattern literals, without any other reader macros.

The literal syntax makes it easier to ensure you have compiled cl-ppcre scanners when the code is compiled and/or loaded, roughly the equivalent of #.(re-pattern "pattern string").

The literal syntax also means you don't need to double-escape regular expression constructs such as \d, which must be expressed as \\d on a conventional Common Lisp string.

TIP: If you're not using pattern literals, remember princ is your friend for debugging escape-related pitfalls.

For example, which regexp matches "\\\\" with \{n} notation?


Princ makes it clearer. The answer is the second, but once you get a big old string full of \\\\ sequences readability goes into the toilet. Clojure's regular expression literal goes a long way to making regular expressions more readable.

Named capturing groups (a.k.a. registers) are not supported.

Clojure/java has them, cl-ppcre has them, this was purely laziness on my part since I never use them.

Strings as patterns gotchas

If you eschew use of the read-table for #"..." pattern syntax, many of the functions here will happily take a string containing a regexp and convert it to a pattern representation to make your life easier so you don't constantly have to call re-pattern.

The replacements for clojure.string/replace-first and replace are different though, because string 'match' parameters are treated literally. They are treated that way here too, so in that regard clojure and this lisp library match. But you can get so into the mindset of "strings can express patterns" that it's easy to forget that replace-first and replace won't take the strings as patterns (and that this is the intended behavior).


(ql:quickload :clj-re)
(use-package :clj-re)
(re-find "a*b" "aaab") => "aaab"

or to test

(ql:quickload :clj-re-test)

See unit tests for more examples.

Adjusting for the previously mentioned caveats:

  1. Renaming of functions from the clojure.string namespace.
  2. Replacing regexp literal syntax (#"") with doubly-escaped string regexps.
  3. Replacement of vector results with list results.
  4. Missing support for named capture groups.

You will hopefully find this sufficient for casual Clojureish regexp needs. If you're going to do performance/memory critical stuff, I suggest you learn to use cl-ppcre directly because issues like string sharing and pattern compilation may be important for your app.