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Skeleton: A complete framework for building Node.js web applications.

Live Demo: Skeleton


There are many excellent Node/Express/Mongo frameworks out there. I have played with many, and contributed to a few of them. Since there is really no one "right" way to do things you kind of have to explore. Once I did that I found that none of them were "just right" as Goldilocks would say. So I built this one!

I borrowed heavily from Hackathon-starter and Drywall. The reason is third party OAUTH authentication is painful. Passportjs helps tremendously but there are not many good examples of how to use it. Both of these frameworks really show how it's done. Both are actively maintained and are really great starting points. I recommend either of them highly.

Of the two, Drywall is more sophisticated. It has an extensive User/Account/Roles system to handle different types of accounts and account permissions. It also has a very cool Administration area. In addition, the client side uses Backbone. This framework allows for unique scripts and css on a per page basis - nice! Overall this framework has some GREAT stuff in it. It's just maybe a little too big/rich if you just want to start building a simple site.

This brings us to Hackathon-starter. This is GREAT site to get started with and has many outstanding API integrations as well as the authentication all built out. It really lives up to it's billing. It was easier to build up from here rather than take stuff out of Drywall.

Other frameworks to check out:

So why offer "yet another framework"? First, I like a fully working built-out site as a starting point to "see" a framework in action. Also because I want a playground of my own and you might find something interesting in here!

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This could literally save hundreds of hours of work. If it you find it valuable I would appreciate your support!

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Table of Contents


[1] If account verification is turned on (via config.js) then we require people who sign up for a local account to verify their email address first before they can log in. We send them an email with a verification token and when they click the link they are verified and signed in.

This is pretty minimal at this point - since we don't have an easy way to regenerate/resend a verification email we don't expire the verification token - it remains good until used. There is also no cleanup of unverifed accounts.

People who signup via a social OAUTH provider are not required to verify their accounts in any case (even if account verification is turned on) since they are already considered "valid" via the account provider. The one loophole is that Twitter does not provide us with the user's email address so we are trusting the user in this case to give us a valid email.

I am not a big fan of this practice since it raises the barrier to entry and therefore have not built the functionality out very far. It is turned off in the live example.

[2] If enhanced security is enabled in the config file then users can enable enhanced security via their profile. This turns on two-factor TOTP based authentication for the user.

Best Practices

The Gulp build pipeline makes sure our assets are optimized. The only thing we haven't done is break up our CSS into "Above the fold" and "Below the fold". This is running on one drone at Nodejitsu ($9/mo!):


In addition we meet all basic security guidelines. This is the result of a Tinfoil security scan of our site on Nodejitsu:


Security Tests Passed:


On The ServerOn The ClientDevelopmentTesting

Getting Started



# Install global dependencies
npm install -g nodemon gulp mocha

# Clone the repo (and fetch only the latest commits)
git clone --depth=1 git@github.com:dstroot/skeleton.git
cd skeleton

# Install local dependencies
npm install
bower install

# Start everything up with Gulp
# (builds the assets and starts the app with nodemon)

:exclamation: Note: It probably won't really run yet! Go setup config/config.js. To use any of the APIs or OAuth authentication methods, you will need to obtain appropriate credentials: Client ID, Client Secret, API Key, or Username & Password. You will need to go through each provider to generate new credentials. More information below.

Gulp Build System

<a href="http://gulpjs.com"> <img width="50" src="https://raw.github.com/gulpjs/artwork/master/gulp.png"/> </a>

Many people use Express.js middleware to build assets, however I generally like a separate build system like Grunt or Gulp.

Our build system compiles and minifies all assets and starts the app app using nodemon. Nodemon will restart node every time a server .js file changes. We also start a livereload server that will trigger a reload of your page in the browser when any client .js, .css, .jade or images change.

To take advantage of the livereload functionality install Google Chrome and then using the chrome web store install the livereload chrome extension.

:exclamation: Click on the tiny center dot to turn on the livereload capability after you start up via gulp.

Now every time you make a change to a client component things will be recompiled and your browser will reload. Cool!

Coding Style

My general approach:

My coding style:

This and more is pre-configured in the .jshintrc file.

Recommened reading: Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide

Obtaining API Keys

<img src="http://images.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/srpr/logo6w.png" width="100">

:exclamation: Note: When you ready to deploy to production don't forget to add your new url to Authorized Javascript origins and Authorized redirect URI, e.g. http://my-awesome-app.herokuapp.com and http://my-awesome-app.herokuapp.com/auth/google/callback respectively. The same goes for other providers.

<img src="http://www.doit.ba/img/facebook.jpg" width="100">

<img src="https://github.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/modules/logos_page/GitHub-Logo.png" width="100">

<img src="https://g.twimg.com/Twitter_logo_blue.png" width="50">

<img src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/developer/logo_paypal-developer_beta.png" width="200">

<img src="https://www.dropboxatwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/foursquare-logo.png" width="100">

<img src="http://www.athgo.org/ablog/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/tumblr_logo.png" width="100">


How do I create a new page?

You need to create just two files and edit one:

  1. NEW View: In views create your new Jade template. For example to create a "Hello World" page you could create views/hello/hello.jade.
  2. NEW Controller: In controllers you need to create a new controller to render the page when the page's route is called (/hello). It would look like this:
module.exports.controller = function(app) {
  app.get('/hello', function(req, res) {  // When user requests hello page
    res.render('hello/hello', {           // Render hello page
  1. EDIT Navigation: You need to edit the navigation to show the new page. You will need to edit views/partials/navigation.jade and add a list item 'li' for your new page to show it in the Navbar.

Boom! That's it.

If you need authentication then you would add the Authentication Middleware as a dependency in your controller and then change one line of code in the controller. You will change the app.get line to include the .isAuthenticated middleware. It always reads from left to right. A user visits /hello page. Then isAuthenticated middleware checks if you are authenticated:

var passportConf  = require('../config/passport');  // New dependency

module.exports.controller = function(app) {
  app.get('/hello', passportConf.isAuthenticated, function(req, res) { // Changed
    res.render('hello/hello', {

The isAuthenticated middleware checks if you are authenticated and if not redirects you to the login page, otherwise it just calls next and your controller renders the page.

exports.isAuthenticated = function(req, res, next) {
  if (req.isAuthenticated()) return next();

Express.js has app.get, app.post, app.put, app.del, but for the most part you will only use the first two. If you just want to display a page, then use GET, if you are submitting a form, sending a file then use POST.

Why do I keep getting 403 Error: Forbidden on submitting a POST request?

You may need to add this hidden input element to your form.

input(type='hidden', name='_csrf', value=_csrf)

What is app_cluster.js?

From the Node.js Documentation:

A single instance of Node runs in a single thread. To take advantage of multi-core systems the user will sometimes want to launch a cluster of Node processes to handle the load. The cluster module allows you to easily create child processes that all share server ports.

app_cluster.js allows you to take advantage of this feature by forking a process of app.js for each CPU detected. For the majority of applications serving HTTP requests, this is a resounding boon. However, the cluster module is still in experimental stage, therefore it should only be used after understanding its purpose and behavior. To use it, simply run node app_cluster.js. Its use is entirely optional and app.js is not tied in any way to it. As a reminder, if you plan to use app_cluster.js instead of app.js, be sure to indicate that in Procfile if you are deploying your app to Heroku.

I am getting MongoDB Connection Error, how do I fix it?

As the message says, you need to have a MongoDB server running before launching app.js and a valid URL connection string in config/config.js.

You can get MongoDB from mongodb.org/downloads, or install it via a package manager (Homebrew on Mac, apt-get on Ubuntu, yum on Fedora, etc.).

Even Better: Setup a free account with Mongolab and get a free database to develop with. More below.

I get an error when I deploy my app, why?

Chances are you haven't changed the Dabatase URI in config.js. If db is set to localhost, it will only work on your machine as long as MongoDB is running. When you deploy to Heroku, OpenShift or some other provider, you will not have MongoDB running on localhost.

You need to create an account with MongoLab or MongoHQ, then create a free tier database. See Deployment section for more information on how to setup an account and a new database step-by-step with MongoLab.

Why Jade instead of some other (Handlebars, EJS, etc.) template engine?

Subjectively speaking, Jade looks much cleaner and shorter than Handlebars, or any non-HAML style for that matter. I like it. You can use anything you like.

Can I use Ember, Angular or Backbone with Skeleton?

Absolutely! But things get messy quickly. In Drywall, several of the pages are Backbone apps. You can check that out.

In this project we have a rudimentary AJAX page (the accounts page for administrators) - that could be a good starting point.

How do flash messages work in this project?

Flash messages allow you to display a message at the end of the request and access it on next request and only next request. For instance, on a failed login attempt, you would display an alert with some error message, but as soon as you refresh that page or visit a different page and come back to the login page, that error message will be gone. It is only displayed once.

This project uses express-flash module for flash messages. And that module is built on top of connect-flash, which is what I used in this project initially. With express-flash you don't have to explicity send a flash message to every view inside res.render(). All flash messages are available in your views via messages object by default, thanks to express-flash.

Flash messages have a two-step process. You use req.flash('error', { msg: 'Error messages goes here' } to create a flash message in your controllers, and then display them in your views.

In the first step, 'error' is the type of a flash message, which should match the name of the property on messages object in your views. You place alert messages inside if message.error because you don't want to show them flash messages are actually present.

The reason why you pass an error like { msg: 'Error messages goes here' } instead of just a string - 'Error messages goes here', is for the sake of consistency. To clarify that, express-validator module which is used for validating and sanitizing user's input, returns all errors as an array of objects, where each object has a msg property with a message why an error has occured. Here is a more general example of what express-validator returns when there are errors present:

  { param: "name", msg: "Name is required", value: "<received input>" },
  { param: "email", msg: "A valid email is required", value: "<received input>" }

To keep consistent with that style, you should pass all flash messages as { msg: 'My flash message' } instead of a string. Otherwise you will just see an alert box without an error message. That is because, in partials/flash.jade template it will try to output error.msg (i.e. "My flash message".msg), in other words it will try to call a msg method on a String object, which will return undefined. Everything I just mentioned about errors, also applies to "warning", "info" and "success" flash messages.

The flash messages partial template is included in layout.jade, along with footer and navigation.

doctype html
  include ../partials/head
    include ../partials/navigation
    include ../partials/flash
    block content
    include ../partials/footer
    block scripts

Pro Tips

Useful Tools

Interesting Design

Interesting Node.js Libraries

Interesting Client-Side libraries



  1. Create an account with MongoLab
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/7KnCa5a.png" width="200"> - Go to the [mongolab.com](https://mongolab.com) website - Click the yellow **Sign up** button - Fill in your user information then hit **Create account** - From the dashboard, click on **:zap:Create new** button - Select **any** cloud provider (I usually go with AWS) - Under *Plan* click on **Single-node (development)** tab and select **Sandbox** (it's free) - *Leave MongoDB version as is - `2.4.x`* - Enter *Database name** for your web app - Then click on **:zap:Create new MongoDB deployment** button - Now, to access your database you need to create a DB user - You should see the following message: - *A database user is required to connect to this database.* **Click here** *to create a new one.* - Click the link and fill in **DB Username** and **DB Password** fields - Finally, in `config.js` instead of `db: 'localhost'`, use the following URI with your credentials: - `db: 'mongodb://<dbuser>:<dbpassword>@ds027479.mongolab.com:27479/<dbname>'`

:exclamation:Note: As an alternative to MongoLab, there is also MongoHQ.

  1. Create an account with Nodejitsu or Heroku
<img src="https://www.nodejitsu.com/img/media/nodejitsu-transparent.png" width="150">

I think Nodejitsu is dead simple and it works great!

<img src="http://blog.exadel.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/heroku-Logo-1.jpg" width="200">

Heroku is also very good and Skeleton already includes Procfile, which is necessary for deployment to Heroku.


If something is unclear, confusing, or needs to be refactored, please let me know. Pull requests are always welcome!


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2014 Dan Stroot

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.