


The aim of the application and PyTeal contract is to deposit Algo or Algorant Standard Assets in a single Transaction.

User compiles a deposit app call transaction and sets the rekeyTo field to the address of the contract.

This is the building block for more complex applications on Algorand and its ecosystem.

Submission for https://gitcoin.co/issue/c3protocol/hackalgo/1/100028569

Contract Args

The contract takes 2 args.

The first arg is the type fo transaction: deposit or asa_deposit. The second arg is the amount deposited.


Required instalation of Python3 and NPM.

Python Environment

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

One line if virtualenv is installed:

virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt

To convert Pyteal to teal contract:

python3 /contracts/contract.py


To install packages:

npm i

Run the Deposit App

First add Mnemonic passphrase to .env. Next go to the testnet dispenser to obtain Algo. Create an asset using createasset.py or obtain one from a faucet and enter its id in config.js.

To illustrate the app run:

npm start

Such that


Illustration of the working app on AlgoExplorer:


Overview of the .js files

asa_deposit.js deposits asa asset

config.js contains the user instance and id of the asset to transfer

deploy.js deploys contract ie approval and clear state teal files

deposit.js deposits Algo

index.js runs deploy, deposit and asa_deposit

utils.js contains instance of Algorand Client, submitTransaction function to sign, send and wait for transaction confirmation

Further Resources
