Modify an existing key in a levelup store. Uses level-lock to prevent race conditions. See also: level-create, level-move
let db = require('level')('colors.db')
let modify = require('level-modify');
function redToBlue(color) {
if (color === 'red') color = 'blue';
return color;
db.put('fence', 'red', (err) => {
modify(db, 'fence', redToBlue, (err) => {
if (err && err.code === 'LOCKED') return console.error('conflict');
db.get('fence', (err, color) => {
console.log(color); // blue
let modify = require('level-modify');
modify(db, key, mod, callback));
Modify the value at key
. mod
can be a function in the form of function(oldValue) {return newValue;}
or an object which will be merged with the old value like so: Object.assign(oldValue, mod);
If the key is write-locked by a concurrent operation an error will be given to the callback with err.code
being 'LOCKED'
. Like other levelup methods if callback is omitted errors will be thrown.
Alternatively install onto the db object:
db.modify(key, mod, callback);