

Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable <br> Copyright (c) 2023 MinWoo Park



Updates officially ceased on November 13, 2023.

The updates for the Open LLM LeaderBoard Report(This Repository) will officially cease on November 13, 2023. Due to concerns of contamination and leaks in the test dataset, I have determined that the rankings on Hugging Face's Open LLM Leaderboard can no longer be fully trusted. Users referring to the Open LLM Leaderboard should now carefully assess not only the rankings of models but also whether models have artificially boosted benchmark scores using contaminated training data. Additionally, it is advisable to consider benchmark datasets tailored for different purposes and to conduct qualitative evaluations as well.

Nevertheless, Hugging Face's Open LLM LeaderBoard, with its free GPU instances, can still provide a rough estimate of model performance for many users and serve as one aspect of quantitative validation. We appreciate Hugging Face for their contributions.

Although updates will no longer be carried out, the code used to generate the corresponding plots remains valid, allowing you to configure and analyze the data as needed.



Open LLM Leaderboard Report

Latest update: 20231031

This repository offers visualizations that showcase the performance of open-source Large Language Models (LLMs), based on evaluation metrics sourced from Hugging Face's Open-LLM-Leaderboard.

Source data

You can refer to this CSV file for the underlying data used for visualization. Raw data is 2d-list formatted JSON file. You can find all images and back data at assets folder.


Discussion and analysis during the revision


Set using config.py

git clone https://github.com/dsdanielpark/open_llm_leaderboard
cd open_llm_leaderboard
python main.py

Top 5 Summary

Total Summary

Average Ranking

What is Open-LLM-Leaderboard?


The Open LLM Leaderboard tracks, ranks, and evaluates large language models and chatbots. It evaluates models based on benchmarks from the Eleuther AI Language Model Evaluation Harness, covering science questions, commonsense inference, multitask accuracy, and truthfulness in generating answers.

The benchmarks aim to test reasoning and general knowledge in different fields using 0-shot and few-shot settings.

Evaluation is performed against 4 popular benchmarks:

It is chosed benchmarks as they test a variety of reasoning and general knowledge across a wide variety of fields in 0-shot and few-shot settings.

Top 5

Top 10

Performance by Metric


HellaSwag (10-shot)

MMLU (5-shot)

AI2 Reasoning Challenge (25-shot)

TruthfulQA (0-shot)


Parameters: The largest parameter model achieved so far has been converted to 100 for percentage representation.


  author = {Daniel Park},
  title = {Open-LLM-Leaderboard-Report},
  url = {https://github.com/dsdanielpark/Open-LLM-Leaderboard-Report},
  year = {2023}


[1] https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard