

Twitter CLI

A CLI tool for accessing the Twitter REST API.


npm install -g twitter-list-manager


You will need to set up app-specific authorization on Twitter. Go to https://apps.twitter.com/ and add a new app, and get the client token and key. You can then input those by running:

tw auth

These keys will be stored in a config file called .twrc in your user directory, where you can also edit them directly.

See what's possible

tw -h

You can also use the -h flag with any subcommand

tw list-add -h


Here are a collection of examples, mostly for my own benefit right now. Eventually they will be moved to a documentation page somewhere.

tw raw

Find out what the friends/list endpoint does:

tw raw --docs friends/list

Cool, now get a list of people you follow:

tw raw friends/list

But readable:

tw raw friends/list --pretty

Use ./jq to just get the parts we want

tw raw friends/list | jq [.users[].screen_name]