Recursive Fibonacci Benchmark using top languages on Github
Top 10: JavaScript, Python, Java, TypeScript, C#, Php, C++, C, Shell, Ruby reference
Others: Go, Rust, Swift, Crystal, Pony, Ada, Pascal, Fortran, Kotlin, Clojure, Scala, Mono, R, Dart, Julia, D, Nim, Cython, Python3, PyPy, Ruby jit, OCaml, Lisp, Haskell, Erlang, Elixir, Escript, Dart, Scheme, Lua, Perl, Perl6, Bash, Emoji
The code performs a recursive fibonacci to the 47th position with the result of 2,971,215,073.
Fibonacci can be written many different ways. The goal of this project is to compare how each language handles the exact same code.
Here is the Ruby version:
def fib(n)
return n if n <= 1
fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
puts fib(47)
Here is the Crystal version:
def fib(n)
return n if n <= 1
fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
puts fib(47_u64)
Too keep a level playing field, only common "release" flags are used in the compilation step. This allows for compiler optimizations like inlining and constant propogation but removes anything considered dangerous i.e. bypassing out of bounds checks.
All tests are run on:
- Hetzner CCX23 - 4 vCPU
- Processor: Intel Xeon 3.1Ghz
- Memory: 16 GiB
- OS: Ubuntu 24.04
- Docker Base Image: ubuntu:24.04
How to run them
You can run the tests using Docker: docker run -it drujensen/fib
By default, it will compile and run all languages 5 times. Totals are calculated by adding the average compile and run times.
To only run a subset of the languages, provide a list of extensions and optionally the count:
docker run -it drujensen/fib ./ s,c,cpp,go,rs,swift 5
To run in the background using screen:
docker run drujensen/fib > results.txt 2>&1
- Detach from the session by pressing
followed byD
. - You can reattach to the session later with:
screen -r
NOTE: Please see issues with benchmarks like this. Its original goal was to compare at a marco level how much faster Crystal is to Ruby. Any language faster than Assembly is performing unrolling type optimizations. Modern languages like Go, Swift and Crystal have bounds checking which have safety built-in, but also have a cost associated with runtime performance.
Last benchmark was ran on December 05, 2024
Natively compiled, statically typed
Language | Total | Compile | Time | Run | Time | Ext |
C | 4.835 | gcc -O3 -o fib fib.c | 0.112 | ./fib | 4.723 | c |
C++ | 4.888 | g++ -O3 -o fib fib.cpp | 0.139 | ./fib | 4.750 | cpp |
Fortran | 6.334 | gfortran -O3 -o fib fib.f03 | 0.130 | ./fib | 6.204 | f03 |
Ada | 6.811 | gnat make -O3 -gnatp -o fib fib.adb | 0.220 | ./fib | 6.591 | adb |
Rust | 8.108 | rustc -C opt-level=3 | 0.358 | ./fib | 7.750 | rs |
Odin | 8.838 | odin build fib.odin -file -0:speed | 0.087 | ./fib | 8.751 | odin |
Mojo | 8.947 | mojo build fib.mojo | 0.241 | ./fib | 8.706 | mojo |
V | 9.168 | v -prod -o fib fib.v | 4.450 | ./fib | 4.718 | v |
Assembly | 9.367 | gcc -no-pie -O3 -o fib fib.s | 0.025 | ./fib | 9.342 | s |
Pascal | 10.460 | fpc -O3 -Si ./fib.pas | 0.041 | ./fib | 10.419 | pas |
Pony | 11.106 | ponyc -s -b fib -p ./fib.pony | 0.879 | ./fib | 10.226 | pony |
OCaml | 16.018 | ocamlopt -O3 -o fib | 0.187 | ./fib | 15.831 | ml |
Zig | 16.181 | zig build-exe -OReleaseFast ./fib.zig | 6.882 | ./fib | 9.299 | zig |
Haskell | 18.095 | rm ./fib.o && ghc -O3 -o fib fib.hs | 0.001 | ./fib | 18.094 | hs |
D | 18.193 | dmd -release -of=fib fib.d | 0.342 | ./fib | 17.851 | d |
Swift | 18.801 | swiftc -O fib.swift | 1.411 | ./fib | 17.390 | swift |
Go | 18.948 | go build fib.go | 1.107 | ./fib | 17.842 | go |
Crystal | 20.525 | crystal build --release | 3.106 | ./fib | 17.420 | cr |
Lisp | 25.726 | sbcl --load fib.lisp | 0.979 | ./fib | 24.747 | lisp |
Dart Compiled | 31.707 | dart compile exe -o fib ./fib.dart | 1.558 | ./fib | 30.149 | dartc |
Cobol | 4380.728 | cobc -x -O3 -o fib ./fib.cbl | 0.133 | ./fib | 4380.596 | cbl |
VM compiled bytecode, statically typed
Language | Total | Compile | Time | Run | Time | Ext |
C# | 12.760 | dotnet build -c Release -o ./bin | 2.015 | dotnet ./bin/fib.dll | 10.744 | cs |
Java | 13.040 | javac | 0.733 | java Fib | 12.307 | java |
Scala | 15.836 | scalac Fib.scala | 2.682 | scala Fib | 13.153 | scala |
Kotlin | 16.286 | kotlinc Fib.kt | 4.074 | java FibKt | 12.212 | kt |
Erlang | 28.378 | erlc +native +'{hipe,[o3]}' fib.erl | 0.402 | erl -noinput -noshell -s fib | 27.976 | erl |
Groovy | 70.123 | groovyc Fib.groovy | 1.519 | groovy Fib | 68.604 | groovy |
VM compiled before execution, mixed/dynamically typed
Language | Time | Run | Ext |
Clojure | 17.815 | clojure -M fib.cljc | cljc |
Julia | 18.000 | julia -O3 fib.jl | jl |
Bun | 21.312 | bun fib.js | bun |
Dart | 29.984 | dart fib.dart | dart |
Node | 34.736 | node fib.js | js |
Elixir | 35.243 | ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS='[native,{hipe, [o3]}]' elixir Fib.exs | exs |
Lua Jit | 37.837 | luajit fib.lua | luajit |
Python (PyPy) | 54.078 | pypy | pypy |
Ruby (jit) | 81.454 | ruby --jit fib.rb | rbjit |
Interpreted, dynamically typed
Language | Time | Run | Ext |
Escript | 28.380 | escript | es |
Scheme | 102.887 | guile fib.scm | scm |
Php | 157.312 | php fib.php | php |
Lua | 203.702 | lua fib.lua | lua |
Ruby | 393.625 | ruby fib.rb | rb |
Python | 423.427 | python | py |
Janet | 479.663 | janet ./fib.janet | janet |
Perl | 1490.416 | perl | pl |
Raku | 1672.015 | rakudo fib.raku | raku |
Tcl | 2230.883 | tclsh fib.tcl | tcl |
R | 2575.249 | R -f fib.r | r |
All compilers are installed using apt or asdf on Ubuntu 24.04 docker image:
Language | Version |
ada | 13.2.0 |
assembly | 13.2.0 |
bash | 5.2.21 |
bun | 1.1.38 |
crystal | 1.14.0 |
clojure | |
dart | 3.5.4 |
dmd | 2.109.1 |
dotnet | 9.0.101 |
elixir | 1.17.3 |
elm | 0.19.1 |
erlang | 27.1.2 |
fortran | 13.2.0 |
g++ | 13.2.0 |
gcc | 13.2.0 |
gnucobol | 3.2.0 |
golang | 1.23.2 |
groovy | 4.0.24 |
guile | 3.0.10 |
haskell | 9.8.3 |
janet | 1.36.0 |
java | openjdk-23 |
julia | 1.11.1 |
K | 3.6 |
kotlin | 2.1.0 |
ldc | 1.39.0 |
lua | 5.4.7 |
luajit | 2.1.1 |
mojo | 24.5.0 |
nim | 2.2.0 |
nodejs | 23.3.0 |
ocaml | 5.2.1 |
odin | dev-2024-11 |
pascal | 3.2.2 |
perl | 5.40.0 |
php | 8.4.1 |
pony | 0.58.7 |
powershell-core | 7.4.6 |
python | 3.12.0 |
pypy | 7.3.17 |
r | 4.4.2 |
rakudo | 2024.10 |
ruby | 3.3.6 |
rust | 1.83.0 |
sbcl | 2.4.11 |
scala | 3.3.4 |
swift | 6.0.2 |
tcl | 9.0.0 |
v | 0.4.8 |
zig | 0.13.0 |