

PSA: This project is not actively maintained. I consider it feature complete for what it set out to do. I'll fix critical bugs should they pop up but I won't be adding new features.


mindmaps is a HTML5 based mind mapping application. It lets you create neat looking mind maps in the browser.

This project started in 2011 as an exploration into what's possible to do in browsers using modern APIs. Nowadays, most of this stuff is pretty common and the code base is a bit outdated. This was way before React, ES6, webpack. Heck, it doesn't even use Backbone.

However, there is no reason to change any of that and it makes the code base quite easy to grok. There is no compilation step, no babel plugins, no frameworks. Just a JavaScript application and a very simple Model-View-Presenter pattern.

HTML5 stuff which was cool in 2011

Try it out

The latest stable build is hosted here.


Host yourself

All you need is a web server for static files. After building, copy all files from /dist into your web directory and launch the app with index.html. Make sure your web server serves .appcache files with the mime type text/cache-manifest for the application to be accessible offline.

In Apache add the following line to your .htaccess:

AddType text/cache-manifest .appcache

In nginx add this to conf/mime.types:

text/cache-manifest appcache; 

Alternatively, you can launch a local debug server with npm start which starts a server on localhost:8080.


mindmaps is licensed under AGPL V3, see LICENSE for more information.